20 years ago, the appearance of a boiled egg changed, it became like a precious stone! impossible to recognize

Everyone likes to eat boiled eggs. Many people make omelette, bhurji and all kinds of dishes that can be made from eggs, but the matter of boiled eggs is different. But have you ever thought that what would happen if boiled eggs were not eaten, just preserved? This thing is known from a recent news. A Chinese woman preserved the egg for years, but now its look has become such that it is not looking like an egg (20 year old egg), but a precious stone. According to the report…

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Viral Video: A wet cat becomes a lion in front of a wild buffalo! Fearing the ‘king of the jungle’ climbed the tree, then ran by pressing the tail

Lion means the king of the jungle! He is considered one of the most dangerous predators. If an animal accidentally falls into the clutches of a lion, then it is almost impossible to escape. He can easily defeat his victim even alone. But think what will be the condition of the lion when the prey comes in the herd? These days a video is going viral (Buffalo attack lion video) in which a very shocking sight is visible, because in this the ‘king of the jungle’ looks like a wet…

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The ‘hairdresser of cats’ is roaming in the cities! Shaving without permission, panic spread among pet lovers

People go to the barber to get their hair cut, but do you know that nowadays the business of animal grooming is gaining momentum because people take their pets for shaving. Now there is no harm in cutting the hair of their pets if the owner has permission, but if this is done without his permission then it will be a matter of annoyance. If this work is done in large numbers without permission, then along with anger, an atmosphere of fear will also be created. The same is being…

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The person met the angels after death, then suddenly became alive! Got to know the shocking thing of the future!

Near Death Experience: What happens after death? Everyone keeps trying to find the answer to this question but cannot find it. People come to know different things related to death from films and books. Some claim that he goes to heaven, some say that he starts flying in the sky and some says that he directly encounters angels. But no one knows what is the truth. Whatever may be the truth, but these days a person has talked about his life after death. The person (Man claims to see angels)…

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Woman does not wash her hands after going to the bathroom, such a reason was told behind the disgusting act, that people agreed after knowing!

Everyone knows how important it is to take care of personal hygiene, but very few people keep it. The most important thing in personal hygiene is that a person must wash his hands after going to the bathroom. There are many types of germs in the bathroom which are dangerous for health, but many people refrain from washing hands. The same is done by a woman (Woman don’t wash hands after using bathroom) who recently told people about this habit of hers. According to the report of the Daily Star…

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The girl with whom online affair was going on since 1 year, she turned out to be best friend’s wife! lakhs of rupees

“Dost, dost na raha, pyar-pyaar na raha, zindagi humne tera, aitbar na raha…”, you must have heard this famous song many times, but would not be familiar with its feelings and meaning. However, a case related to China has come to the fore which is making this song meaningful. Here a person has filed a police complaint against the best friend’s wife (best friend wife cheat man). According to the report of the Audity Central News website, Zhou, a resident of Henan province of China, lives in Myanmar and trades…

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Saved Rs 3 crore by the age of 29, dreams of retiring at 35! Man taught how to save money

Every person wants to save money, keep them safe for the future, so that later on he can fulfill the needs of his family. But saving money is not as easy as it seems. A person has to put brakes on many of his needs, he has to keep aside his choice and kill his mind, only then he can save. People always want to know what is the best way of saving. The answer to this question has been given by a 29-year-old man, who has saved crores of…

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A woman works as an electrician, people are blown away by the glamour! make lewd comments

Whatever may be the work, it is work because with its help a person feeds himself and his family. In such a situation, it is very important for every worker to get respect. Although in today’s time both men and women do all kinds of work, but even today there are many such works in the society which are done only by men. When women (female electrician) are seen doing those works, then the discussion starts. Such discussion is happening these days in England where a woman is working as…

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Viral Video: The dog reached the market with a basket in its mouth, bought vegetables by itself! people surprised to see wisdom

It is said that dogs are man’s best friend. By the way, it is not just a matter of saying because it happens in reality too. It is the intelligence of dogs and their attachment to humans that makes both suitable for each other. People also give a lot of training to their pet dogs, so that they start understanding their words easily. But have you ever seen such a trained dog (Dog buy vegetables video) that he himself goes to the market to buy vegetables for his owner? These…

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Woman writes ‘Ramadan Mubarak’ on cake, baker adds words to himself! mind confused after reading the message

Whenever someone’s birthday falls in the house, first of all the family members order a cake for him. Cake is such a dish that people usually neither eat, nor cut, nor do they order it at home except on birthdays. Although, now people have started ordering cakes during other celebrations as well, but even today it is a common practice that cakes are ordered only on birthdays. In such a situation, when a woman ordered a cake from a bakery and wanted to write a message as per her wish,…

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