That haunted railway station of India where the railway employees refused to work, the station master used to see a witch!

It is said that there is no such thing as ghosts, it is just the imagination of humans, but there are many such incidents in the world that force people to think about it. Today we are going to tell you about one such railway station. There are so many stories of this railway station that even today it is lying barren. People were so scared of the incidents that happened at this railway station that even the railway employees refused to work here. It is said that the station…

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India’s scariest railway station is in this state

Indian Railways is counted among the largest rail networks in the world. India is the fourth largest red network in the world after America, China and Russia. In India, around 2.5 crore people travel by train every day. If we talk about stations, there are about eight and a half thousand railway stations in India. There are some railway stations in India which compete even with foreign railway stations. The world’s longest railway platform is also in India. But in this India there is also a railway station where people…

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Haunted Railway Stations Kf India These Are Considered Ghostly Interesting Facts About Railway

Railway Stations India: Indian Railways is the fourth largest rail network in the world, so there are thousands of railway stations in the country. Whereas, some railway stations are so magnificent that they are counted among the World Class Railway Stations. At the same time, there are some railway stations which are still famous as haunted railway stations (Most Haunted Railway Stations In India). Today we will tell you about some such railway stations about which many shocking stories are prevalent. Begunkodar Railway Station, West Bengal Begunkodar railway station located…

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