Do you also have such white spots on your tongue? Be alert immediately, this is a sign of a dangerous disease, know everything!

If white spots appear on any part of the body, people immediately become tense. Start thinking about all kinds of things. Starts making rounds of doctors. But many people forget it considering it normal. But if this white spot is on your tongue, be alert immediately. This could be a sign of a dangerous disease. A video is going viral on YouTube, in which it has been told how a white spot appearing on the tongue can even take your life. According to the report of The Sun, these white…

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The risk of head and neck cancer is increasing rapidly in India, is quick treatment possible with AI?

Like the entire world, cases of head and neck cancer are increasing rapidly in India too. The most worrying thing is that this is the most deprived section of the Indian society i.e. those who do not have much comfort and facilities. They are the ones who are getting this cancer the most. Especially among the workers and laborers who use a lot of tobacco, this problem is growing in a very severe form. Workers and laborers are getting most of these cancers  A program on head and neck cancer…

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Top Signs Of Throat Cancer You Should Never Overlook

Signs of Throat Cancer: Throat cancer is very dangerous. It hints softly in the throat and in your voice. Any person who has stuffy nose, pain in throat or ear, swollen neck, difficulty in swallowing, hoarseness in voice, weight loss, never ignore these symptoms and this problem is 2-3 If you are not getting better within a week, then it is better to consult a doctor because these symptoms can be due to cancer. Throat cancer treatment is possible if it is detected early and the problem occurring in the…

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