Why are platelets important for our body, what diseases apart from dengue are dangerous

A healthy person’s body has 5-6 liters of blood. It is made up of white-red and many nutrients. These also include platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. This gives energy to the body. Red blood cells help in fighting infections in the body. For your information, let us tell you that the number of platelets in the body of a healthy person ranges from one and a half to four lakhs.  In which diseases do platelets fall Platelets combine with collagen liquid to cause injury. This prevents…

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Why do stones occur in gall bladder, due to which even Bharti Singh was worried? Know the reason for this

There are some special organs in our body whose work is not special but if there is even a slight disturbance in them then the person can get very upset. One such organ is the gall bladder. Gall bladder is an important part of the digestive system. Which is connected to the liver and small intestine through the bile duct. A special type of enzyme is produced in the liver which digests fat. Which is called bile. It gets deposited in the gall bladder through the bile duct from the…

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Consuming this thing in breakfast will keep the body energetic, it is also a good diet for health.

To keep themselves fit, people do gym, diet, exercise, morning walk and many more. In such a situation, if you also want to keep yourself fit, then this news is for you. In this report, we will tell you how by including one food in breakfast, you can keep yourself healthy and remain energetic throughout the day. We are talking about oats.  Apart from being delicious, oats are also very beneficial for health. Its daily consumption keeps the body fit. Ways of eating oats If breakfast is good then the…

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disadvantages of oil and spicy food it can harm your body know more

Often people prefer eating outside. Be it Chinese or South Indian people like spicy only. These days, the craze of eating spicy food has increased among everyone from children to old people. But do you know that eating too much oily and spicy food can prove dangerous for your health? Sometimes spicy food is okay, but consuming such food daily is harmful for health. Oil consumption is dangerous Often women increase the amount of oil while cooking, so that the food tastes delicious, but doing so can be very dangerous.…

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