From tooth decay to joint pain, this 20 rupee thing is nectar, eat one piece daily, you will get amazing benefits.

From tooth decay to joint pain, this 20 rupee thing is nectar, eat one piece daily, you will get amazing benefits.

7 Proven Health Benefits of eating Ginger everyday: There are many such things in our kitchen, which not only enhance the taste of our food, but also prove to be very useful for our health. One such useful thing is ginger. Till now you were using ginger only for making tea or enhancing the taste of your vegetables. But you will be stunned to know how much benefit this small thing of Rs 20 gives to your health. Mumbai’s Clinical Dietitian Dr. Mehar Panjwani says that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties,…

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Fresh Ginger: Which ginger is better for health and which one should be used more in food?

Fresh Ginger: Which ginger is better for health and which one should be used more in food?

Both dry ginger and fresh ginger have many health benefits and should be included in the diet. But if you are suffering from any dangerous health related disease or allergy then you should use it with some caution. Also, it is better if you take doctor’s advice.  What is Ginger?Ginger, also known as Zingiber officinale, is a flowering plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It is a root vegetable that has a pungent and spicy flavor, making it a popular ingredient in cooking. It is also known for its…

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