Side effects of contraceptive pills in Hindi for women health tips

Side effects of contraceptive pills : Most women use contraceptive pills to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Using these pills for a long time can also be dangerous. Actually, these pills (Contraceptive Pills) may be helpful in preventing pregnancy, but due to working in a hormonal way, many types of problems can start in women who consume them, so these pills should never be taken without consulting a doctor. Side Effects of Birth Control Pills 1. Heart diseaseSome studies have found that contraceptive pills are not good for heart health. They can…

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health tips tattoos side effects can increase blood cancer risk study

Side Effects of Tattoo : If you are fond of getting tattoos then be careful. A new study has revealed something scary. A study conducted in Sweden has found that there may be a connection between tattoos and blood cancer lymphoma. A study by researchers at Lind University, Sweden, after analyzing the Swedish National Cancer Register, has revealed that getting a tattoo can be dangerous. For 10 years from 2007 to 2017, data of people aged between 20 and 60 years were examined, who were diagnosed with lymphoma. In this…

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health tips what is nomophobia know smartphone harmful effects on body

Nomophobia : The way we are lost in smartphones day and night, it is causing serious and dangerous damage to health. Many researches have shown that continuous use of the phone or not being able to live even a moment without a mobile phone can lead to a disease called ‘Nomophobia’. It is so dangerous that it can make the body a home for diseases. Nomophobia is called smartphone addiction. In a survey conducted worldwide, 84% smartphone users admitted that they cannot spend even a day without their phone. Nomophobia…

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health tips harmful effects of cold drinks can increase heart problems | Health Risk: Be careful if you drink cold drinks, this habit can harm your heart

Side Effects of Cold Drinks : The trend of cold drinks increases in summer. Everyone likes to buy cold drinks from the shop and drink them. If you also do this then be careful. Because these can be harmful for health. In a recent study, scientists found that people who drink cold drinks or sweet beverages twice a week have a 50% higher risk of heart diseases. Scientists have said that the drinks with added sugar like cold drinks, soda and sweet drinks easily available in the market can cause…

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health tips how many days can you survive without water know dehydration side effects

Water Intake : Water is a necessity for the human body. A certain amount of water helps the body to function properly. Life cannot be imagined without it. A person can survive for many days without food but it is difficult without water. In such a situation, a question arises that how many days can a person live without water (Life Without Water), what can happen due to lack of water. Let us know in detail… what happens due to lack of waterWhen a person’s body is dehydrated, he feels…

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right age to send children to the swimming pool Can water cause harm

Swimming Age For Babies: Nowadays on social media we see small children swimming in water. It is surprising that how these children perform at such a young age. Seeing them, you will definitely feel like teaching swimming to your child too. There is no doubt that swimming not only increases the height of the child, but also helps in their mental development. Considering all these things, if you have made up your mind to send your child to the swimming pool, then wait a bit. First, know what is the…

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Health tips signs and symptoms of liver damage may be seen on skin and face

Liver Damage Symptoms: Liver is an important part of our body, if it does not function properly then toxins start accumulating in the blood and many problems like liver damage, liver failure can occur. In such a situation, it is important for the liver to function properly to remove toxins from the body and improve digestion. But due to bad lifestyle and wrong eating habits, liver problems are occurring the most nowadays, so let us tell you its early signs which can be seen on your skin and you should…

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Health tips side effects of drinking energy drinks may cause serious diseases

Side Effects Of Energy Drinks: Nowadays many people consume energy drinks to get instant energy. These are called energy drinks but if you are drinking them thinking that they are healthy then know that you are not making any mistake. Actually, a high amount of caffeine is found in these energy drinks which gives instant energy to our body, but also slowly harms our body. Experts have already warned that energy drinks are nothing less than a slow poison and they are just a solution of sugar. Not only this,…

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Health Japan Flesh eating bacteria that spreads fast kills in two days Japan news dangerous disease

Dangerous Diseases in Japan: A rare and fatal disease caused by flesh-eating bacteria is spreading rapidly in Japan. The name of this disease is Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome. This is an aggressive disease which can be fatal within 48 hours of infection. According to information, this dreadful disease is caused by flesh-eating bacteria. In Japan’s capital Tokyo, cases of this disease are increasing rapidly. People over the age of 30 are becoming victims In Tokyo alone, 145 cases have been reported in the first half of 2024. According to a…

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Health tips ICMR reveals package fruit juice is unhealthy for health

Side Effects Of Packed Juice: Often people look for shortcuts to prepare food and use packaged foods. But these packaged food items are prepared by adding high calories, sugar, salt and preservatives, which can have a bad effect on health. One of them is canned fruit juice, which most people drink every morning thinking it to be healthy. According to ICMR report, these packaged juices are nothing more than sugar solution and the preservatives used in them are so high that they can seriously harm your health. Canned fruit juice…

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