half of Indians are physically unfit, know what Lancet study said

Health Studies: A recent Lancet study says that more than half of the Indian population is not physically active. The Lancet study has expressed concern over Indians being physically unfit and said that the day is not far when more than sixty percent of the Indian population will fall prey to problems caused by lack of physical activity. This study published in Global Health says that more than half of India’s population is not able to meet the guidelines of adequate physical activity set by the World Health Organization (WHO).…

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people are more affected by heat wave know how to prevent it

Heat Wave: North India, which is eagerly waiting for the monsoon, is currently battling severe heat. Many states including Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan are scorching with heat wave. Heat wave has a very bad effect on health as it causes heat stroke and dehydration. We all know that children and the elderly are more susceptible to heat waves than adults, so we need to take special care of them. But recently a study was conducted on this in which a shocking revelation was made. This study tells who…

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Eating Roti And Rice Really Lead To Weight Gain Know What Is The Truth

Increasing weight or obesity causes many serious diseases. Your bad cholesterol level can increase due to weight gain. Diabetes can be a disease. Due to the accumulation of plaque in the veins, the problem of blockage can arise. A serious condition like high blood pressure may have to be faced. Apart from this, the risk of triple vessel disease, heart failure, heart attack, coronary artery disease can also increase. By now you must have come to know how dangerous weight gain is for your health. This is the reason why…

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Housewife Women Also Can Reduce Their Weight Just Include These Things In Your Routine

Weight Loss Tips For Housewife Women: These days a large number of women are troubled by their increasing weight. Working women still control their weight. Although the biggest problem is seen with the housewife, because she spends most of her time at home. Due to many everyday tasks at home, she is often unable to pay attention to her increased weight, nor does she get time to go out of the house and do gym exercises. You do not need to go to the gym to lose weight. You can…

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People With Traumatic Childhood Often Grew Up To Be Angry Adults | Children who have a painful childhood grow up to be very angry.

It has been revealed in a research that children whose childhood is painful and full of anxiety and stress, those children grow up to become angry. The more trauma a child gets in childhood, the more angry they become as adults. Misbehaving with children not only affects their mental health, but also affects their social relationships. Not only this, the treatment of depression and tension of such people also becomes difficult. This study has been presented at the European Congress of Psychiatry in Paris. According to earlier research, more than…

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Negativity increased among Indians after Kovid, 35 percent people are not happy: study

The Corona epidemic has worked to increase the difficulties of people around the world. This virus has badly affected his physical and mental health. A study suggests that expressions of negativity such as anger, stress, anxiety and sadness have increased significantly in the people of India since the Corona pandemic. A report ‘The State of Happyness’ prepared by consulting firm HappyPlus According to ‘2023’, the feeling of negativity and unhappiness has increased among the Indian people. 35 percent of the people involved in this study admitted that they are facing…

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Reusable Water Bottles Have More Bacteria Than Toilet Seats

Reusable Water Bottles Side Effects: Don’t know how many times a bottle of water is used by many people. There are very few people who throw bottles immediately after use. Do you know how dangerous a reusable water bottle can prove to be for your health? And how many diseases can you get because of it? Actually we are not doing this, rather this claim has been made in a study. A new research has found that reusable bottles carry about 40,000 times more bacteria than toilet seats. If you…

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Handbag Purse Putting Your Child’s Life At Risk Know How

There is a need to be very careful while raising small children. Because children are innocent and remain completely unaware of the good and bad things happening to them. Those things can also prove dangerous for them, on which people often do not pay attention. You must have heard or seen many times that the child swallowed a coin or ate some other disgusting thing, due to which not only he has to face all the problems, but the life of the parents also comes to an end. . There…

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Stop Using Social Media Apps For 15 Minutes Daily It May Improve Your Health | Distance from social media, necessary for health…! Make distance from the phone for 15 minutes, you will get many benefits

Social media has become very important for most people nowadays. Most of the information related to what is going on in the country and the world is available through social media. Some people are using it for publicity and some are using it to earn money. But do you know how bad social media can affect your health? Many times we go into anxiety, stress and depression because of this even without wanting to. A research suggests that not using social media for 15 minutes a day can improve your…

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Raw Milk Vs Boiled Milk Know Why Drinking Raw Milk Not Safe For Health

Raw Milk Health Risks: Milk should always be used after boiling. Although some people do not do this at all. They use them in raw form, which is not good for health in many ways. Many people consume raw milk considering it healthy, that too without knowing how many problems it can cause in the body. If you also drink raw milk, then be careful immediately. Because doing so can create a risk of foodborne illness. There are many nutrients in milk, whose benefits you will get only when you…

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