health tips

health tips avoid these foods with curd know side effects

Bad Combinations of Curd : Eating curd is very beneficial for health. Curd is like…

Health tips there is no particular treatment for dengue virus know how to treat this mosquito disease

Dengue Virus Treatment: Dengue is a serious mosquito-borne virus that spreads through the bite of…

A man loses 13 kgs weight in 21 days through water faster know its benefits and side effects

Weight loss with water fasting: People adopt many tricks to lose weight. Some compromise on…

health tips benefits of blowing shankh shankh ke fayde in hindi

Shankha Benefits : Conch has a special significance in Hinduism. Blowing conch in every religious…

how to reduce belly fat know weight loss tips

Nowadays, a bulging belly is becoming a problem for everyone. Due to bad lifestyle and…

Health Tips: If you want to stay slim-trim and fit, then follow these tips, you will see tremendous change in 1 month

Jaipur. If there is one thing that is being ignored the most in this fast…

monsoon health tips what to do after wet in rain know precautions

Monsoon Health Tips : Rain and diseases come together. In this season, cold, cough and…

how to get quality sleep good sleep in hindi

Getting a good night's sleep is very important for our health. Lack of good sleep…

Overeating, over working out and these habits can harm your health

Healthy Habits Become Harmful: There are some daily habits about which we hear from childhood…

New study says oral cancer risk from mouthwash know its side effect

Oral Cancer Risk From Mouthwash: Cancer is a fatal disease which can develop due to…