7 signs that indicate you have a healthy heart read full article in hindi

7 signs that indicate you have a healthy heart read full article in hindi

Your heart is one of the most important organs and it is very important that you maintain your lifestyle to keep it healthy. According to the โ€˜World Health Organizationโ€™ (WHO), about 17.9 million people die every year from heart-related diseases. Of which 85% die due to heart attacks and strokes. There has been a continuous increase in heart related diseases in recent years. Due to poor lifestyle, eating habits and lack of physical activity, the risk of heart related diseases often increases. Due to all these reasons, plaque starts accumulatingโ€ฆ

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Follow these Ayurvedic rules for a healthy heart, the risk will be reduced by 50 percent.

Follow these Ayurvedic rules for a healthy heart, the risk will be reduced by 50 percent.

Due to todayโ€™s busy lifestyle and bad eating habits, heart diseases are increasing rapidly. The cases of heart diseases are increasing very rapidly due to reasons like fast food, outside food, mental stress, less sleep and lack of physical exertion. Diseases which were earlier seen at the age of 60-70, are now becoming common even at the age of 30-40. People at young age are facing problems like heart attack, high BP, cholesterol etc. In such a situation, according to Ayurveda, adopting these rules can reduce the risk of heartโ€ฆ

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