Risk of heart disease and diabetes can be zero, if you do this daily

Heart Disease: If you live in open air and visit places like parks, your heart health will remain better. This also reduces the risk of dangerous diseases like heart attack and diabetes. A recent study has shown that spending time in the lap of nature reduces the risk of heart disease and many chronic diseases. This also reduces the problem of swelling. Published in the Brain, Behavior and Immunity Journal, this study has focused only on inflammation occurring in the body. Let us tell you that in some earlier studies…

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3 out of 10 people are being careless about their health, you are also making this mistake, so be cautious, otherwise…

High BP Prevention : Many diseases can be avoided by changing small habits. A little change in daily routine can improve heart health. It will never cause problems like high BP. A report by Economic Times states that about 30 percent of people aged 18 to 54 years in the country have never checked their BP i.e. blood pressure. Citing ICMR-NCDIR study, the report says that 3 out of 10 people of this age have never checked their BP. Due to which dangerous diseases like stroke, heart attack, kidney failure…

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Are you also feeling like this while climbing the stairs? Know what your heart is saying.

Heart Health: If you feel breathless or sweaty or tired while walking up the stairs, then you should be cautious. Because these are signs of heart related diseases. In such a situation, one should immediately go to the doctor without wasting time. According to experts, if you feel pain in the chest or feel pressure in the heart after climbing a few stairs or feel sweating or dizziness, then it should not be ignored at all. Because this can cause damage to the heart and can also be fatal. how…

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Health Tips 5 Foods For Healthy Heart Help To Keep Away Diseases

Foods For Healthy Heart: Nowadays problems of heart disease are being seen in young age itself. In many cases, the risk of heart attack has also increased. Bad lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, exercise, smoking, consumption of alcohol are the main reasons for this. If you want to keep the heart healthy for a long time, then include these 5 healthy foods in your diet from today itself. Whole grains Whole grains like brown rice and quinoa are good sources of fiber. They reduce the level of cholesterol. Minerals like magnesium…

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