This tree is nectar from root to stem, will provide plenty of ‘iron’ to women’s body, know the secret recipe of its soup

This tree is nectar from root to stem, will provide plenty of ‘iron’ to women’s body, know the secret recipe of its soup

Iron-Rich Lentil Drumstick Soup: You must have seen many women around you who are suffering from anemia. Lack of hemoglobin in the body gives rise to many problems in women like weakness, dizziness, fatigue. Iron is an essential element for women’s body, but due to its deficiency, diseases like anemia surround the body. Although medicines are given to increase iron, but our nature has provided many such medicinal vegetables and fruits which are no less than nectar for our body. One such lifesaving herb is Drumstick. In fact, iron is…

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This time taste mixed dal soup, not vegetable soup, you will get full nutrition, it is easily prepared

This time taste mixed dal soup, not vegetable soup, you will get full nutrition, it is easily prepared

highlights Like vegetable soup, lentil soup is also very nutritious. Two or more pulses can be used to make mixed pulse soup. Mix Dal Soup Recipe: Dal is cooked and eaten almost daily in Indian homes. Mixed pulses are also preferred with different varieties of nutrient-rich pulses. You must have eaten mix dal many times, but today we will tell you how to make mix dal soup, which will not only be tasty but also very healthy. The amount of nutrients also increases in Mix Dal Soup as compared to…

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Soups For Winter Has Seasonal Fever And Sore Throat Troubled You So Drinking These Soups At Home Will Give You Relief

Soups For Winter Has Seasonal Fever And Sore Throat Troubled You So Drinking These Soups At Home Will Give You Relief

Soups For Winter: In the winter season, the body shivers due to the cold air, the change of weather also brings with it diseases like seasonal flu, fever, cold, cough and sore throat. That’s why it is necessary to take adequate nutrition to stay healthy. Well, here are some easy soup recipes that are not only great for treating sore throat and seasonal cold, they are also rich in antioxidants that help boost your immunity. Heal the uneasiness in the body through these soup recipes. You can easily make this…

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Kharode Ka Soup Recipe: Drink Kharode (Pae) ​​soup in non-vegetarian evenings in winter, bones will be strong

Kharode Ka Soup Recipe: Drink Kharode (Pae) ​​soup in non-vegetarian evenings in winter, bones will be strong

highlights Horse gram soup contains a lot of calcium which is beneficial for bones. Horse gram soup helps in maintaining body heat in winters. Kharode Ka Soup Recipe: Kharoda i.e. found swelling is very beneficial in winter. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can enjoy Kharode (Pae) ​​soup in the evening. Very tasty pie soup helps in strengthening the bones. Pumpkin soup contains sufficient amount of calcium which makes bones strong. Along with this, the soup found is very helpful in keeping the body warm even in extreme cold. If…

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Kharode Ka Soup Recipe: Non-Vegetarian Drink Kharode (Pae) ​​soup in the evening, bones will be strong

Kharode Ka Soup Recipe: Non-Vegetarian Drink Kharode (Pae) ​​soup in the evening, bones will be strong

highlights Horse gram soup contains a lot of calcium which is beneficial for bones. Horse gram soup helps in maintaining body heat in winters. Kharode Ka Soup Recipe: Kharoda i.e. found swelling is very beneficial in winter. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can enjoy Kharode (Pae) ​​soup in the evening. Very tasty pie soup helps in strengthening the bones. Pumpkin soup contains sufficient amount of calcium which makes bones strong. Along with this, the soup found is very helpful in keeping the body warm even in extreme cold. If…

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