Fact Check: Can running in summer cause heart attack? Know the truth

Cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly in India. Not only the elderly but also the young and youth are falling prey to heart attack and heart disease. According to a report by the ‘National Crime Records Bureau’, in the year 2022, more than 33 thousand people died due to heart attack only. At the same time, in the year 2021, 29 thousand people died due to heart attack only. In the year 2022, the number of deaths due to heart attack has increased by 12 percent."text-align: justify;">The risk of…

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Heart attack is the disease that kills you quickly read full article in hindi

When there are blockages in the arteries of the heart, a heart attack occurs. This clearly means that the heart is not getting as much blood as it should. Due to this, blood clots start forming. The blood clot blocks the passage. In today’s time, heart attack has become a serious problem in the whole world. When oxygen does not reach the heart through blood, a heart attack will occur. All this happens so fast that the body does not get any signal. In such a situation, the person remains…

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Having trouble breathing, could be a sign of heart attack! Find out like this

Cases of heart attacks are increasing rapidly all over the world. If the symptoms of heart attack are identified in advance, death due to this disease can be prevented. Many times symptoms appear before a heart attack but people consider it minor and ignore it. According to doctors, many types of symptoms appear on the body before a heart attack. Many times symptoms appear between 2-4 hours. If it is identified in time, shortness of breath can be avoided.  Having difficulty in breathing clearly means lack of oxygen. In such…

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5 Ways To Navigate Your Heart Health

In the last few years, most of the youth are becoming victims of heart attacks. It has been revealed in many researches that poor eating habits and lifestyle, stress, tension and lack of exercise cause heart attacks. Due to today’s fast-paced lifestyle and consumption of junk and processed food, the risk of heart disease is increasing. The types of heart problems seen in youth are due to factors like high BP or high blood pressure, poor diet, lack of exercise and stress which are contributing to this trend. atrial fibrillation…

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Health Tips Heart Attack Symptoms Causes And Risk Factors In Hindi

Heart Health: In the last two years, cases of heart attack and cardiac arrest have increased rapidly. Earlier it was believed that heart attack occurs only after the age of 50 years, but now its cases have started coming in the youth of 18-20 years also. Fit people who exercise in gyms and parks are also becoming its victims. In such a situation, let us know why the risk of heart attack is increasing among the youth. What should be done to avoid this… cause of heart attack Health experts…

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Heart Attack And Heart Failure In Winter Causes And Prevention In Hindi

Heart Attack in Winter: Many changes take place in the body in winter. On one hand, while the risk of flu and seasonal diseases increases, heart diseases also increase significantly. According to statistics, cases of heart attacks increase rapidly in winter. But do you know why the risk of heart attack in winter increases in winter season. Actually, in cold weather the veins start shrinking and becoming hard. To normalize these, blood flow in the body starts increasing, which increases blood pressure. This puts pressure on the heart and causes…

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Health Tips Leg Pain Can Lead To Heart Attack And High Cholesterol Level

Health News: Increasing cholesterol and causing heart attack is one of the most common problems nowadays. But before this the body gives some signals, if we do not ignore it then it can be stopped in time. One of which is foot pain. Yes, if you have pain in your feet for a long time, then it can be a sign of heart attack or cholesterol increase. obstruction of blood circulation According to experts, when there is no proper circulation of blood in your body, there may be a problem…

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Signs Of Heart Attack Heart Ailments May Show These Missable Signs Initially

Symptoms of heart attack: The symptoms of heart disease can really debilitate a person from inside as such a person experiences tightness in the chest or difficulty in breathing. There has been an increase in the number of people coming to hospitals for heart ailments, including people of all ages. Heart disease kills more than 17 million people in the world and one-fifth of these are from India. Heart diseases can be of many types- Heart attack Each of these patients poses a threat to life and needs attention. When…

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Heart Attack Why Are People Getting Heart Attack Despite Being Fit Apart From Workout Take Care Of These Things

Heart Attack Reason: When we talk about fitness then healthy, fit, well built comes to our mind. Seeing the body, many times it is understood that that person will be fit from inside, but thinking is not correct to a large extent. You must have seen that the cases of heart attack are coming more in those people who look very fit. Famous actor Siddhant Suryavanshi died due to heart attack. Recently, actress Sushmita Sen also suffered a heart attack. So we need to understand that you are not healthy…

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Heart Attack Symptoms In Women You Should Never Ignore These 8 Warning Signs

Heart attack in women: Heart attack is generally said to be a big problem for men. But it not only poses a great risk to men, but is also a dangerous condition for women. Heart attack in women can be different from men. But this does not mean at all that cases of heart attack are less seen in women. In them, symptoms like chest pain and restlessness emerge first during a heart attack. Women feel like chest pain and tightness. Stiffness is felt in the upper part of the…

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