Widowmaker Heart Attack Is More Dangers For Health Know Its Symptoms

Widowmaker Heart Attack: A healthy heart plays an important role in any healthy body. In today’s stressful era, negligence towards lifestyle, surgery and especially after corona, the way heart attack cases have increased, they are being said to be really worrying. Widowmaker heart attack is a form of heart attack and it proves more fatal in all types of heart attack. Not only the elderly but adults and youth are also coming in its grip. Therefore, if its symptoms are identified in time, then its treatment and prevention can be…

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Many Common Heart Attack Symptoms In Women Same As Men

Heart Attack: Heart attack is also called myocardial infarction in medical language. Heart attack occurs when the supply of blood to the heart is not done properly or stops. In such a situation, if there is no supply of blood to the heart on time, then a person can also die. Heart attack is a dangerous condition, in which many times there is no time to seek treatment and due to this many people die. The symptoms of a heart attack in women are similar to those in men. According…

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Follow These Lifestyle Tips To Reduce Risk Of Heart Attack

Reduce Risk Of Heart Attack: The number of people dying of heart attack is increasing day by day all over the world. Not only the elderly, but young children are also becoming victims of heart attack. According to WHO, there are 1.28 billion people in the whole world whose BP is increased. Only 46 percent of them are people who know that they have blood pressure disease. If you want to avoid heart attack, then take special care of yourself from the beginning. Especially take special care of your diet…

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