Do fit and active people not get heart attacks? Do only unfit people get heart attacks? Know the truth

Do fit and active people not get heart attacks? Do only unfit people get heart attacks? Know the truth

Heart Attack Myth : In the recent past, cases of heart attack have increased rapidly among the youth. Due to this, many celebrities have also lost their lives at a young age. According to doctors, the youth are not as fit as they feel. Their lifestyle has also deteriorated. Due to which the risk of heart attack is also increasing in them. Due to lack of awareness, there are many misunderstandings about heart related diseases. about such things’Myth Vs Facts is a special presentation of ABP Live Hindi. ‘Myth Vs…

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Heart Attack Pain Not Just in the Chest These Body Parts Can Hurt Too

Heart Attack Pain Not Just in the Chest These Body Parts Can Hurt Too

The pain of a heart attack can occur not only in the chest but also in other parts of the body. When there is a blockage in the arteries carrying blood to the heart, then apart from the chest, pain can also be felt in the arms, back, neck, jaw and stomach. Sometimes this pain is so minor that people ignore it thinking it to be another common problem. It is important to take such pain during a heart attack seriously, because if not treated on time, it can prove…

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Are the symptoms of heart attack different in women and men? Know the correct answer here

Are the symptoms of heart attack different in women and men? Know the correct answer here

Heart attack is a serious condition and it is very important to recognize it. Interestingly, the symptoms of heart attack can be different in women and men. With the right information and timely treatment, lives can be saved. Let’s know how the symptoms of heart attack differ in women and men. The rates of heart attack are different in men and women. "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)" According to the WHO, the rate of heart attack in men aged 45 to 64 years is 7.4%. Whereas, the rate…

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Do the signs of a heart attack appear suddenly and immediately, or do the signs appear beforehand? Know the truth

Do the signs of a heart attack appear suddenly and immediately, or do the signs appear beforehand? Know the truth

Heart Attack : Nowadays people of all ages are falling prey to heart attacks. Many times there is no time to reach the hospital. In such a situation, people feel that heart attack comes suddenly and quickly. It is impossible to avoid it. However, this is wrong, because the body starts giving some signs (Heart Attack Symptoms) three to four months before the heart attack. Many people ignore it thinking it is trivial, which can be dangerous, so one should be careful. about such things’Myth Vs Facts is a special…

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After having a heart attack once, there is no risk of having it again? Know what is the truth

After having a heart attack once, there is no risk of having it again? Know what is the truth

Heart Attack Myth Fact : Heart is as important an organ of our body as it is delicate. If its health deteriorates, it can end our life. Usually, most of the heart related problems occur in old age but nowadays even the youth are getting affected by it. Heart related problems are increasing due to problems like lifestyle, health conditions, environment. There are many kinds of confusions among people regarding this. Regarding such things.Myth Vs Facts is a special presentation of ABP Live Hindi. ‘Myth Vs Facts Series’‘ is trying…

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health tips heart attack in youth know myths and facts in hindi

health tips heart attack in youth know myths and facts in hindi

Heart Attack : Heart attack is the main cause of death. Around 30 crore people in the world are suffering from heart related problems. 40% of the deaths due to heart attack are happening in India alone. According to health experts, when sufficient amount of blood does not reach the heart, a heart attack occurs. It is believed that heart attack occurs only in elderly people after the age of 60 years, but nowadays the risk of heart attack is increasing rapidly even in people below 40 years of age.…

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How many times can a person survive a heart attack? Know the symptoms and remedies

How many times can a person survive a heart attack? Know the symptoms and remedies

Heart attack is a very serious problem, but if the treatment is done at the right time, the patient can survive. This question is often asked that how many times can a person survive a heart attack. The answer to this is not easy, because it depends on the person’s health, quality of treatment and timely help. Today we will learn about the symptoms of heart attack, so that you can recognize it on time.   Why does a heart attack occur? Due to today’s wrong lifestyle and bad eating habits, heart…

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diabetes Type 2 or heart disease high pollution levels can cause further complications

diabetes Type 2 or heart disease high pollution levels can cause further complications

Heart Attack: Due to bad lifestyle and eating habits, people are often falling prey to many serious diseases. Heart disease is one such problem. Due to which most of the people are worried nowadays. In recent years, cases of heart related diseases and heart attacks have increased rapidly. Heart attack is a medical emergency. In which blood clots start forming in the heart. Due to which blood and oxygen are not able to reach the heart properly. Due to this, there is a lack of oxygen in the heart tissues.…

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Heart attack is the disease that kills you quickly read full article in hindi

Heart attack is the disease that kills you quickly read full article in hindi

When there are blockages in the arteries of the heart, a heart attack occurs. This clearly means that the heart is not getting as much blood as it should. Due to this, blood clots start forming. The blood clot blocks the passage. In today’s time, heart attack has become a serious problem in the whole world. When oxygen does not reach the heart through blood, a heart attack will occur. All this happens so fast that the body does not get any signal. In such a situation, the person remains…

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fitness tips hard workout cause of heart attack in youth know reasons

fitness tips hard workout cause of heart attack in youth know reasons

Exercise Causes Heart Attack : Is the passion of staying fit making you a heart patient? Are you creating depression in your mind by thinking about fitness? This question is because nowadays many youngsters are getting heart attacks in this affair. In the recent past, many such high profile cases have been seen in which people died due to heart attack while working out in the gym. In such a situation, questions arise whether working out beyond capacity in the zeal of youth is an invitation to heart attack or…

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