Health heart tips heart beat increases while walking running know reason

Heart Health: Health experts have been recommending exercises like walking and running to stay healthy. You too must be walking or running for some time every day. You must have noticed that your heart rate increases suddenly while walking or running. Some people get nervous about this. If seen, this is a normal process. Let us know why the heart rate increases while walking or running and what should be the heart rate in such a situation. Why does the heartbeat get faster? Health experts say that more energy is…

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Increased Heart Beat Not Only Related To Heart, It Can Be Associated With Mental Health Also

Heart Beat Increases: In winter, cases of increased heart beat often increase. However, this is a common problem in winter because blood circulation gets reduced due to falling temperature and heart beat increases due to high BP. Generally, the condition of increased heart beat is considered to be heart related, but health experts say that it is not necessary that this happens every time. Sometimes the situation of increased heart beat may be related to a problem of the brain instead of the heart. Doctors say that heart beat can…

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