Health Tips New Vaccine for Stroke and Heart Attack Developing in China

Health Tips New Vaccine for Stroke and Heart Attack Developing in China

Stroke and Heart Attack Vaccine : Increasing danger of stroke and heart attack may brake very soon. Now both will not be able to scare dangerous diseases. Countries around the world have breathed a sigh of relief from a news from China. Actually, Chinese scientists have created a vaccine that can protect from stroke and heart attack. With the help of this vaccine, plaque can be prevented from formation in the arteries, which can cause blood clotting, heart attack and stroke. This is known as atherosclerosis or making fatty plank…

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A patient with high BP should make distance from these food items, the danger of stroke increases

A patient with high BP should make distance from these food items, the danger of stroke increases

Running life, work pressure, unhealthy diet and bad lifestyle have a bad effect on health. Experts say that the number of patients suffering from hypertension is continuously increasing. Due to poor lifestyle and food, the problem of high BP is increasing rapidly. In such a situation, people with high blood pressure should take good lifestyle and the right diet. If the diet is not taken care of, it can cause many diseases. In such a situation, what patients should eat and should not know what. High blood pressure: What things…

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Heart Attack while exercising why it happy and who is at risk read full article in hindi

Heart Attack while exercising why it happy and who is at risk read full article in hindi

To keep the body and heart healthy, it is very important to exercise daily. But in the last few years, we are often reading such news that they died due to heart attack during exercise. Such reports have forced people to think continuously. The question has started coming in the minds of the people that whether the risk of heart related diseases increases even while exercising? We focused on many research to properly investigate the matter. In which it was found that exercising increases the risk of heart attack. Today…

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AIIMS Research Reveled that Obesity is Cause of 56 Percent of Diseases – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

AIIMS Research Reveled that Obesity is Cause of 56 Percent of Diseases – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{“_ID”: “67a2504ca3877b4f3f02e0fe”, “Slug”: “AIIMS-Resatch-Reveled-The-Comment- Is-Caure-Cause-OF-56-Peercent-OF-DISEASes-of-DISEASes-2025-2025-2025-04”, “Type”: ” Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_hn “:” Large disclosure in AIIMS research: 56% of diseases are due to obesity, now the feet are spreading in villages, know how to keep it away “,” Category “: { “Title”: “City & States”, “Title_hn”: “City and State”, “Slug”: “City-Rand-States”}} obesity – Photo: Expansion In view of the rapid growing obesity problem in the country, on Tuesday, experts in AIIMS spoke on the basis of research. Director of AIIMS, Dr. M S S S S…

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The risk of heart disease doubles in women giving birth to twins, disclosure in study

The risk of heart disease doubles in women giving birth to twins, disclosure in study

In a recent study on twin children, it has been revealed that the risk of heart disease is doubled in women who give birth to twins. At the same time, women who give birth to a child are far away from this danger. This study published in the European Heart Journal has found that women who give birth to twins had to be hospitalized within a year of becoming a mother. & Nbsp; It has come to light in the study that if such women had a problem of high…

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Rewa Super Specialty Hospital Dr VD Tripathi shocking claim that heart disease can be treated with alcohol not medicine

Rewa Super Specialty Hospital Dr VD Tripathi shocking claim that heart disease can be treated with alcohol not medicine

Reva. Dr. VD Tripathi, Head of the Cardiology Department of Super Specialty Hospital, Rewa, claims that he has completely cured three heart disease patients by using alcohol. That is, where medicine was not working. Alcohol has worked there. You should not be surprised at all after reading or hearing or seeing this, because according to Dr. VD Tripathi of Rewa, this is completely true. He also introduced the Local18 team to patients who have been cured by using alcohol. This complete information was given by Dr. VD Tripathi, Head of…

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Genetics can increase your risk of heart attack know about myths vs facts

Genetics can increase your risk of heart attack know about myths vs facts

Whenever you go to the doctor regarding any disease, the doctor first asks you whether anyone in your family has had this disease before or not? Apart from many factors, there can be a genetic reason for heart disease. . Today we will talk in detail about the genetic connection of heart disease. When family members pass traits from one generation to the next through genes. So that process is called genetic cause. Play some role in high BP, heart disease and other related conditions. It is also likely that…

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Angiography is a common test done to visualize blood vessels in the heart read full article in hindi

Angiography is a common test done to visualize blood vessels in the heart read full article in hindi

Complaint of mild chest pain and restlessness after dinner can indicate heart related disease. Angiography (a procedure in which X-rays are used to make angiograms to determine the health of blood vessels) was advised, during which he suffered a massive heart attack and fainted. Angiography is generally a safe procedure. But minor side effects are common and there is little risk of serious complications. Angiography is generally a safe procedure. But minor side effects are common and there is little risk of serious complications. With only 10 percent of his…

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different vitamins and minerals help in keeping the body healthy and providing essential nutrition

different vitamins and minerals help in keeping the body healthy and providing essential nutrition

We can find out about the diseases caused by minerals, vitamin deficiency and nutrition present in our body. For example, by looking at your hair, we can find out whether your hair will fall or your hair will turn gray quickly. If your eyes are swollen or puffy, get your vitamin K and B-12 levels checked. White spots on nails warn that you need zinc. At the same time, the sound of cuts in the knees and elbows warns that the level of Vitamin D is decreasing. If you forget…

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cases of heart attack and stroke increase a lot in winter read full article in hindi

cases of heart attack and stroke increase a lot in winter read full article in hindi

Cases of heart attack and stroke increase greatly in winter. The reason for this could be cold and mistakes made after getting up from bed in the morning. Know the best formula to avoid heart attack and stroke in winter. The cold has increased significantly from the mountains to Delhi NCR. Although this is just a trailer. The picture is still out because experts are expecting record breaking cold this time and if this happens then even a little carelessness will be very harmful for health. Your heart will be…

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