The risk of heart disease doubles in women giving birth to twins, disclosure in study

The risk of heart disease doubles in women giving birth to twins, disclosure in study

In a recent study on twin children, it has been revealed that the risk of heart disease is doubled in women who give birth to twins. At the same time, women who give birth to a child are far away from this danger. This study published in the European Heart Journal has found that women who give birth to twins had to be hospitalized within a year of becoming a mother. & Nbsp; It has come to light in the study that if such women had a problem of highโ€ฆ

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Heart Attack: Do women really feel pain in the shoulder instead of the chest during a heart attack? You must know the answer

Heart Attack: Do women really feel pain in the shoulder instead of the chest during a heart attack? You must know the answer

Heart Attack Signs in Female : Nowadays, the burden on the heart is increasing due to our lifestyle and eating habits, which is increasing the risk of heart attack. Cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly not only in men but also in women. Women often ignore their health due to household responsibilities and work, due to which heart diseases can increase in them. Some symptoms of heart attack in women can be like men and some can be different. In such a situation, the question arises whether women haveโ€ฆ

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