Veena V, chief clinical dietitian at Aster Whitefield Hospital, Bengaluru, said there is no study or data that proves that eating bhindi or bhindi in winter is bad. In fact, it is rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants which are beneficial at any time of the year. Eating too much lady finger can cause gastrointestinal problems because it contains fructans. Which is a type of carbohydrate that can cause diarrhea, acidity and bloating. Especially in those people who already have intestinal problems. Okra also contains high amount of oxalate, whichβ¦
Read MoreTag: heart health
heart attack signs symptoms heart health tips
Heart Attack Signs : Heart attack can be fatal, so there is a need to be careful about it. This problem is increasing due to bad lifestyle and diet. In such a situation, if its initial symptoms are understood along with changes in daily routine, then heart attack can be avoided. Actually, before a heart attack, some symptoms start appearing in the body, ignoring which can be dangerous. In such a situation, let us know what kind of signals the body gives before a heart attackβ¦ 1. Tired easily Itβ¦
Read MoreGreen Chutneys That Help Control Cholesterol Levels read full article in Hindi
Bad lifestyle and eating unhealthy food items lead to obesity, high BP, high cholesterol and serious stomach related problems. Not only this, it can also cause serious diseases. The most surprising thing is that bad cholesterol is the basis of all these diseases. If you control bad cholesterol in the beginning itself, you can avoid many serious diseases. There are two types of cholesterol in the body. Good cholesterol lipoprotein (HDL). And the second is known as bad cholesterol i.e. lipoprotein (LDL). When the level of bad cholesterol starts increasingβ¦
Read Morecardiologists say how to prevent early morning heart attacks read full article in hindi
Morning walk is beneficial for the body. But if you go out for a walk in winter, then you must warm-up your body before that. Apart from all this, wear proper clothes. So that the cold wind does not harm you. Cardiologists have given special suggestions to prevent heart attacks in the morning. At what time in the morning do most heart attacks occur? According to research, most heart attacks occur between 4 am and 10 am. Because at this time the secretion of some hormones like epinephrine, norepinephrine andβ¦
Read MoreTea and coffee may reduce heart health risk shows in recent research
Tea-Coffee For Heart Health: Many myths come to light regarding tea and coffee, in which many people believe that consuming tea and coffee has bad effects on health, hence it should not be consumed. But a recent research has revealed that if tea and coffee are consumed in the right quantity on a regular basis, it has positive effects on health and not only this, it The risk of heart attack is also reduced. So let us tell you how you should consume tea or coffee to maintain heart health.β¦
Read Morehealth tips know how to keep heart healthy at home in hindi
Healthy Heart Tips : Heart diseases are increasing rapidly in this busy life. Earlier its danger was limited only to the elderly but now it is affecting the youth also. Due to work stress, irregular daily routine and poor eating habits, the hearts of the youth are becoming weak. Young people of 25-40 years of age are also falling victim to heart disease, whereas for a healthy life it is most important to have a healthy heart. In such a situation, if you do only two things daily, then theβ¦
Read Morehealth tips most dangerous heart diseases list know risk and prevention
Most Dangerous Heart Diseases: Heart is the most important organ of our body. It keeps beating continuously without stopping and without getting tired, meaning it keeps pumping blood. As a result of this, blood is able to reach all parts of the body. This blood also carries oxygen with itself and delivers it to all the organs. If there is any kind of problem with the heart, it starts affecting other organs also. Nowadays, the risk of heart diseases has increased due to poor eating habits and lifestyle. According toβ¦
Read MoreIf you are a heart patient and have increased weight, then control it like this, otherwise bad cholesterol can take your life.
Obesity multiplies the risk of heart-related problems like heart attack, stroke and heart failure. In such a situation, experts recommend reducing weight and improving diet to control heart disease. Increasing weight is fatal for heart patients. Irregular lifestyle and bad eating habits are responsible for weight gain. Due to deteriorating diet, bad cholesterol starts increasing in the body. Due to which the risk of heart-related diseases increases. In such a situation, improve your diet and lifestyle to control bad cholesterol. By including fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and essential minerals in yourβ¦
Read MoreAre you also using olive oil in food? Know when this can become dangerous
Olive oil contains healthy fatty acids which strengthen the body and it also contains abundant amounts of antioxidants. Olive oil contains a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids. If you heat it, it can prove dangerous. There is no doubt that olive oil is very healthy. But for your information, let us tell you that due to the unsaturated fats present in it, if it is not good for cooking then it is wrong. It is perfect for cooking. Extra virgin olive oil is the most stable oil for cooking andβ¦
Read Morerespiratory infection can significantly increase your risk of a heart attack
During influenza infection, serious infections occur in the respiratory tract. Along with this, high fever also troubles you. Now health experts have warned about this disease. According to health experts, the risk of heart attack increases due to influenza infection and myocardial infarction. The risk of heart attack increases in a few days after the flu. Recently a research was done. It showed that the risk of heart attack increases almost six times in 1-7 days after flu infection. Do not ignore the symptoms thinking they are seasonal flu Oftenβ¦
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