Heart Attack Symptoms Risk Of A Heart Attack Is 6 Times Higher Than The Flu

Heart Attack Symptoms: It is common to have flu in the changing season. Any person remains ill for 5 to 6 days due to flu. If the immune system is fine then the person recovers faster. If it is week then it takes time to recover. People usually take flu lightly. But the latest update regarding flu is surprising. Scientists have found its relation with heart. This condition can be very dangerous. Scientists have also issued an alert regarding this. heart attack risk from flu Dutch researchers found in a…

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Watching Television While Eating Is Not Good For Health Know Its Dangerous Health Effects

Television while eating: If you have a habit of watching TV or mobile phone while eating, then be careful immediately, because it causes many types of damage to health. Not only adults, but if children also have this habit, then its negative effects can also be seen on their body. In a research on the eating habits of children in a prestigious magazine named Environmental General of Health, a new thing came to the fore that the risk of obesity increases manifold in children up to 10 years of age…

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Know Amazing Health Benefits Of Standing It Helps In Maintaining Weight Cure Back Pain And Burns Body Fat

All of you must have heard that exercising benefits the body. Eating food gives different nutrients to the body, listening to music gives rest to the mind. But, have you ever heard that standing is also beneficial for the body. Probably not, there will be very few people who will know about it. Actually, standing is also an exercise in itself and this gives many benefits to this body. Today the lifestyle of the people has become such that out of 24 hours people spend about 8 to 9 hours…

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