Do not ignore these signs while exercising it increases the risk of heart attack.

Do not ignore these signs while exercising it increases the risk of heart attack.

Heart attack is becoming fatal today. The number of deaths due to this is increasing year after year. After Corona, heart diseases have increased rapidly. According to the research of Cardio Metabolic Institute, from 2016 to 2023, cases of heart attack among people aged 20 to 30 years have increased by two percent every year. The incidence of heart attacks has increased even while working out in the gym. In many cases, death has occurred on the spot. Doctors are saying that the reason for this is the formation of…

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If these 5 people are drinking lemon water even by mistake, then stop for a while, otherwise you will have to pay for it.

If these 5 people are drinking lemon water even by mistake, then stop for a while, otherwise you will have to pay for it.

Lemon Water Side Effects: Lemon water is considered very beneficial. Many people drink a glass of lemon water after waking up in the morning. It works to detoxify the body. It also reduces weight rapidly. Actually, a good amount of Vitamin C is found in lemon. Which helps in strengthening immunity. This protects the body from many diseases. However, lemon water is not only beneficial for everyone, it can also be harmful for some people. In such a situation, know which people should not drink lemon water… Who should not…

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Are you also feeling like this while climbing the stairs? Know what your heart is saying.

Are you also feeling like this while climbing the stairs? Know what your heart is saying.

Heart Health: If you feel breathless or sweaty or tired while walking up the stairs, then you should be cautious. Because these are signs of heart related diseases. In such a situation, one should immediately go to the doctor without wasting time. According to experts, if you feel pain in the chest or feel pressure in the heart after climbing a few stairs or feel sweating or dizziness, then it should not be ignored at all. Because this can cause damage to the heart and can also be fatal. how…

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Intermittent fasting can make you a heart patient, know why experts warned

Intermittent fasting can make you a heart patient, know why experts warned

Intermittent Fasting: Nowadays people are adopting fancy diets to keep themselves fit. Intermittent fasting is one of these. In this, something is eaten after a long interval. However, a recent research report by the American Heart Association has cautioned about this diet. It has been reported that intermittent fasting can increase heart diseases. Not only this, it can even result in death. Let us know what research says about this disease… Why is intermittent fasting dangerous? The American Heart Association in Chicago has made a shocking revelation like the Lifestyle…

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disadvantages of oil and spicy food it can harm your body know more

disadvantages of oil and spicy food it can harm your body know more

Often people prefer eating outside. Be it Chinese or South Indian people like spicy only. These days, the craze of eating spicy food has increased among everyone from children to old people. But do you know that eating too much oily and spicy food can prove dangerous for your health? Sometimes spicy food is okay, but consuming such food daily is harmful for health. Oil consumption is dangerous Often women increase the amount of oil while cooking, so that the food tastes delicious, but doing so can be very dangerous.…

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Heart attacks are increasing rapidly in women, know what is the reason for this

Heart attacks are increasing rapidly in women, know what is the reason for this

Heart attack in women: Due to the changing lifestyle and eating habits of women, the risk of heart attack is also increasing rapidly. Its cases have increased rapidly in the last few years. According to a report by the medical journal Lancet, the cases of heart attacks in women have increased by about 20 percent in the last 10 years. The main reason for which is change in lifestyle and increase in smoking among women. According to health experts, the diet and lifestyle of women has deteriorated considerably compared to…

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Do not ignore persistent leg pain, know what is the connection with heart disease?

Do not ignore persistent leg pain, know what is the connection with heart disease?

Heart Disease Warning Signs: Never make the mistake of ignoring persistent pain in the legs, because these can be signs of heart disease. Even a little carelessness regarding this can have a bad effect on the heart and can also increase the risk of heart attack. A report by the American Heart Association states that many times the initial symptoms of heart disease are seen in the legs. But people do not pay much attention to them. These may cause problems like pain and swelling in the legs. Let us…

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Healthy benefits of Dates dates is beneficial for bone, heart, diabetes, Cancer lifestyle

Healthy benefits of Dates dates is beneficial for bone, heart, diabetes, Cancer lifestyle

Health benefits of Dates: Sweet has its own unique pleasure. People are very crazy about eating sweets. Often after eating food, people want to eat something sweet and in the desire to eat something sweet, they often eat something which sometimes proves to be harmful for their health. Let us know about one such sweet product ‘Dates’ i.e. date bars which has taste and is also very beneficial for health. 1. Dates are natural sweetener Dates are an excellent source of fructose. Fructose is the name of sugar found in…

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Don’t mistake these problems as normal, they can be signs of heart attack.

Don’t mistake these problems as normal, they can be signs of heart attack.

Heart Attack Signs: Heart attack is a very dangerous and fatal problem. This can lead to death in one stroke. Therefore, it is advised to take proper care of heart health. Even the slightest problem in the heart can worsen the condition of the body. According to experts, before a heart attack, our body starts giving many signals. Meaning its symptoms are already visible. If identified on time, the danger can be avoided. In such a situation, let us know about some such signs which are considered common but in…

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Know what to do to avoid heart blockage, when to go to the doctor

Know what to do to avoid heart blockage, when to go to the doctor

Heart Blockage: As rapidly as our lifestyle and eating habits have changed, the cases of heart attacks have also increased in the last few years. For some time, the number of people dying from heart attacks is also increasing rapidly. Heart blockage is also a cause of heart attack and heart diseases. Because of this, heart related risks are increasing rapidly. In most cases, symptoms of heart blockage are not visible, hence they are more dangerous. In such a situation, some things should be kept in mind. Let us know…

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