Health Tips Acid Reflux And Heart Burn Home Remedies In Hindi

Acid Reflux: Acid reflux is a common digestive problem, which bothers at one time or the other. Because of this one has to feel uncomfortable at times. Although this problem can be cured by simple home remedies, but if the problem becomes severe then one should be careful. Actually, the problem of heartburn is common with acid reflux. Acid reflux can also cause gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). People who have acid reflux problems on a regular basis are more at risk of GERD disease. In such a situation, let us…

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Love to eat spicy food? Read how it affects your stomach

Spicy food or simply say that such spices are added to spicy food. After eating which a burning sensation arises in the mouth as well as in the stomach. You fill one thing whenever you have eaten too much spicy and heavy food, then you get too excited. There are many people who like spicy food a lot. Especially those who like spicy food very much. Be it spicy curry or spicy chicken wings. Many people like this recipe very much. But the most important thing is that how quickly…

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These 7 symptoms show that you are suffering from stomach heat. This is how to treat stomach heat.

Stomach Heat Symptoms: Stomach related problems are very common in the summer season. As the temperature rises, there is a loss of water in the body and you experience stomach problems. Because of this the person has to face a lot of discomfort. Problems like pain, burning sensation are seen in the person’s stomach. Although some people do not understand why this is happening. Actually, such a situation occurs when the heat in the stomach increases. When the heat in the stomach increases, then many other symptoms are seen. Let’s…

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Excessive Intake Of Lemon Juice Water Can Be Harmful For Health

Lemon Water Side Effects: Lemon water is very beneficial for health. To get relief from the heat in the summer season, people consume lemon water a lot. This keeps the body hydrated. Weight can also be controlled and helps in curing problems related to digestion, but do you know that drinking lemon water can also harm you. If you are consuming a lot of lemonade in summer or drinking lemonade blindly for weight loss, then you should also know its side effects. So let’s know the disadvantages caused by this.…

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You Will Easily Get Rid Of The Problem Of Constipation Try These Home Remedies Once

Constipation Remedies: The problem of constipation is due to disturbances in food and drink. Due to this problem, the account of both hunger and mood gets spoiled. Some of the most common causes of constipation include dietary factors such as consumption of junk food, drinking alcohol, overeating, insufficient fiber in the diet, lack of water intake and heavy meat consumption. Other causes include smoking and lack of exercise. But there are some Ayurvedic home remedies that can help in getting rid of constipation. However, it is important to note that…

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How To Get Rid Of Heartburn At Home

Home Remedies for Heartburn: Many people suddenly start heartburn after eating food. There can be many reasons behind this. But often it is due to not eating on time, overeating, unhealthy eating and wrong habits. Sometimes the burning sensation also happens because you have eaten too much spicy food. Because of which the problem of heart burn starts. Due to heartburn, many times people consume medicines. But in such a situation, there is no need to take medicines, but there is a need to try some home remedies. Because medicine…

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