Health Tips Heat Or Cold Therapy Which Is Best In Injury And Swelling

Health Tips Heat Or Cold Therapy Which Is Best In Injury And Swelling

Heat or Cold Therapy: In case of injury, fomentation is often recommended. Some people are confused about whether to do cold fomentation or hot fomentation (Heat or Cold Therapy). Although both types of fomentation are done but the work of both is different. Let us know which of the two irrigation is better and which one should be done when.. When should heat therapy be done? Heat therapy is used to treat chronic pain, joint pain and stiffness. People troubled by such problems are advised to take a bath with…

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Arthritis Pain Tips To Treat Arthritis Pain In Winters Normal Exercise And Oil Massage Can Help You Out

Arthritis Pain Tips To Treat Arthritis Pain In Winters Normal Exercise And Oil Massage Can Help You Out

Arthritis Pain: The cold has started increasing gradually in the capital Delhi. The temperature has dropped completely for the last two-three days. In winter, you must have often heard people complaining about knee and joint pain. The problem of arthritis also increases in this season. Elderly suffer more in winter. Due to the drop in temperature, swelling occurs in the bones of the knees, then they start hurting while walking. In arthritis, there is swelling and severe pain in the joints. It affects various joints of the body including wrists,…

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