Enjoy asafetida fritters with evening tea, the taste of your mouth will change, they will be ready in minutes

Enjoy asafetida fritters with evening tea, the taste of your mouth will change, they will be ready in minutes

highlights Asafoetida Pakora can be prepared and eaten at any time. The flavor of asafoetida pakora enhances the taste of evening tea. Heeng Pakoda Recipe: If asafetida fritters are mixed with evening tea, then the enjoyment of tea doubles. The flavor of asafoetida in the pakodas completely changes the taste of the mouth. If you also like to eat pakoras as a snack, then this time you can try asafetida pakoras. Asafoetida pakoras are also better in terms of digestion. Asafetida pakoras can be eaten even if you feel a…

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