Who said hello on the phone for the first time is the story of Graham Bell girlfriend true

Who said hello on the phone for the first time is the story of Graham Bell girlfriend true

You can guess from this news what a person in love can do for his girlfriend. Today we will tell you the story of a girlfriend whose boyfriend did something such that today every person takes his girlfriend’s name several times a day. Now let us tell you the whole news in detail. Whose love story is this Actually, we are talking about Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. When he invented the telephone in 1876, the first call he made was to his girlfriend Margaret Hello and…

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Hailstorm Damaged Farmers Crops In Madhya Pradesh

Hailstorm Damaged Farmers Crops In Madhya Pradesh

Hailstorm In Madhya Pradesh: The last season was in the grip of drought, flood and rain. In the first year of the new year, the severe cold and frost damaged the crops of the farmers. Now heavy rains and hailstorm have started destroying the crops of the farmers. Till now the news of hailstorm was coming from different districts of Rajasthan. But hailstorm has damaged crops in other states as well. Farmers are making arrangements for drainage of water filled in the field by taking opinion from experts. Damage to…

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