up new rule bikers will not get petrol without helmet know which other states has the same rule

up new rule bikers will not get petrol without helmet know which other states has the same rule

UP New Rules For Helmets: Every day millions of vehicles are seen running on the roads. In which someone has a car. So someone has a bike. But comparatively, more people use bikes than cars. Be it a car or a bike, you have to go to the petrol pump. But if you live in Uttar Pradesh. Your bike has run out of petrol. But you don’t have a helmet. So you will not get petrol in Uttar Pradesh. Regarding this, the Uttar Pradesh government has implemented a new rule…

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A person fainted while riding a scooter, when the helmet was removed, people were shocked after seeing the scene – β€˜I had not thought of this’

A person fainted while riding a scooter, when the helmet was removed, people were shocked after seeing the scene – β€˜I had not thought of this’

A heart-wrenching video is currently going viral on social media, which will give you goosebumps. You would have rarely seen such a scene when such an accident happens while sitting with someone. This is why it is said that you need to be careful all the time, no matter where you are. Accidents can happen anywhere and anytime. A person suddenly becomes unconscious while riding a scooter. As soon as people take off his helmet and open it, the sight inside leaves them stunned. They immediately start picking him up…

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2500 year old helmet found in grave excavation, scientists were shocked to see, know where is the matter?

2500 year old helmet found in grave excavation, scientists were shocked to see, know where is the matter?

Countless secrets related to human civilization are hidden in the earth, whenever they come out, they surprise us. Something similar has happened in Croatia. Here archaeologists were excavating a grave, when a very old helmet came out from inside, seeing which everyone was shocked. It was found that this helmet is 2500 years old and is made of a different metal. Earlier in Italy also, scientists had found two helmets and a wall belonging to Greek civilization. According to a Live Science report, a team from the University of Zagreb…

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More than 40 percent pillion riders do not wear helmets, AIIMS Trauma Center report reveals

More than 40 percent pillion riders do not wear helmets, AIIMS Trauma Center report reveals

  Despite having strict rules on road safety in India, many people do not follow them. Not only this, due to not following road safety rules, such people also become victims of road accidents. The figures for the year 2021-2022 released by Delhi’s AIIMS Jaiprakash Narayan Apex Trauma Center (JPNATC) show that most of the road accident cases coming to the center involve people who have not followed the rules. Today we will tell you what the Trauma Center report says. Did accidents increase due to not wearing helmets? According…

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I am going to sell the bike only, I am not from this country, Pakistanis make such amazing excuses for not wearing a helmet.

I am going to sell the bike only, I am not from this country, Pakistanis make such amazing excuses for not wearing a helmet.

  People often make very strange excuses for not wearing a helmet on a bike. In fact, when caught in police checking, to avoid fine, many times they say that they forgot or had to go to this side. But meanwhile, no one is able to stop laughing after listening to the reason given by Pakistani citizens for not wearing helmets in a video report of BBC.  What did Pakistani citizens say< /strong> BBC media has made a video report in collaboration with Pakistan Police. In which Pakistani police is…

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