Paris Olympics 2024 French female player was stopped for playing in Paris Olympics 2024 wearing hijab controversy begins

Paris Olympics 2024 French female player was stopped for playing in Paris Olympics 2024 wearing hijab controversy begins

Paris Olympics 2024 : Olympics 2024 is going on in Paris, the capital of France. A controversy has arisen here regarding hijab. Muslim women alleged that due to France’s hijab law, female athletes are being prevented from playing wearing hijab. Many women have also raised questions about this. This time in the Olympics, while Muslim women of other countries are playing wearing hijab, French athletes were forced to give up hijab. 24-year-old basketball player Daibah Konate, who lives in France, claimed that there was a lot of diversity in the…

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What is the punishment for not wearing hijab in Iranian law? Also applies to media and NGOs

What is the punishment for not wearing hijab in Iranian law?  Also applies to media and NGOs

There are different laws in many countries of the world, Iran is one of them. There are strict laws for women in this country, one of them is wearing hijab. An example of how difficult not wearing hijab can be on a woman has recently come to light in Iran. While one woman was whipped 74 times for not wearing hijab, another woman was sentenced to two years in jail. In such a situation, let us know how much not wearing hijab can cost women in Iran. What does Iran’s…

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