Shakuntala Rail Line Is Still In The Possession Of The British Royalty Of Crores Has To Be Paid Every Year

Shakuntala Rail Line Is Still In The Possession Of The British Royalty Of Crores Has To Be Paid Every Year

It was the British who gave India the railways, there is no doubt about it. But he built railways in India so that he could easily transport the looted goods from India to the ports, from where they could be taken to England. Along with this, the British also built railways to reach safely and quickly from one place to another. But when India became independent, along with it this railway of the British also became the Indian Railway. There were many changes in this as well. Work was done…

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Purvanchal’s First Coach Restaurant: Enjoy Banarasi Taste And Frozen Tea, Every Table Will Have A Window

Purvanchal’s First Coach Restaurant: Enjoy Banarasi Taste And Frozen Tea, Every Table Will Have A Window

Coach Restaurant – Photo: Social Media Expansion Purvanchal’s first coach restaurant at Cantt railway station will be ready by March. Then the residents of the city will be able to taste Banarasi cuisine by sitting in this coach. Will be able to eat shortbread. The stick of tea will also get frozen. A coach restaurant is being built adjacent to the boundary wall near the deluxe waiting room in the circulating area of ​​the railway station. Below is the railway track and above is the railway coach. A train coach…

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