82 years old american woman made world record by playing hockey

Hockey : By the way, hockey is the national game of India… but do you know that an 82-year-old woman living in America has registered her name in the Guinness Book of hockey game. Is. According to Guinness World Records, an American woman named Linda Sinroda is so obsessed with ice hockey that she has earned the title of the world’s oldest female player. Linda Sinroda, a resident of Larton, Virginia, was a prominent figure skater before becoming involved in hockey. A few years ago, at the age of 35,…

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India Out Hockey World Cup 2023 New Zealand Beat 4-5 Penalty Shootout 5 Reasons For Team India Defeat

Hockey World Cup 2023: The Indian hockey team’s dream of winning the World Cup once again after 48 years remained unfulfilled. In the match played in Bhubaneswar on January 22, New Zealand defeated India 5-4 in the penalty shootout in the cross over match. It was a do or die match for India. After this defeat, Team India got out of the Hockey World Cup. Earlier, both the teams were tied 3-3 in the stipulated time. But in the penalty shootout, India fell behind the lower ranked team New Zealand.…

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FIH Men’s Hockey World Cup 2023 New Zealand Wins In Crossover Match India Out Of 2023 World Cup

India vs New Zealand Hockey Match Highlights: New Zealand defeated India in the crossover match of the 2023 Hockey World Cup being played in Bhubaneswar. With this, the Indian team is out of the 2023 World Cup. New Zealand has won the shootout. With this defeat, host India is out of the 2023 Hockey World Cup. At the same time, the Indian team’s dream of winning the title after 48 years has also been shattered. In the first four quarters i.e. in the scheduled time of the match, the match…

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Hockey World Cup Highlights Germany Belgium Play Out 2-2 Draw South Korea Win Vs Japan Here Know The Latest Points Table Of FIH

Hockey World Cup Points Table: Today, in the last match of the Hockey World Cup, the Belgian team was in front of Germany. The match between the two teams ended in a draw. Actually, both the teams could score 2-2 goals till the stipulated time. In this way the match ended in a 2-2 draw. At the same time, Belgium defeated South Korea in their first match. Belgium started the campaign by defeating South Korea by a huge margin of 5-0. While Germany defeated Japan 3-0 in their first match.…

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