Don’t forget to take care of your health during holidays, fun can cost you dearly.

Don’t forget to take care of your health during holidays, fun can cost you dearly.

Holiday Heart Syndrome: Going on holiday amidst work pressure is the most beautiful moment. Especially when the holidays are long, there is peace. You also get time to maintain your health well. At this time, sleep is completed properly and not only the heart and mind but the entire body remains quite relaxed. But what if this special moment becomes a problem for your health? This is called ‘Holiday Heart Syndrome’. Nowadays its effect is being seen not only in foreign countries but also in some metro cities of India.…

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What Is Holiday Heart Syndrome Symptoms Causes Treatment

What Is Holiday Heart Syndrome Symptoms Causes Treatment

Holiday Heart Syndrome: Holiday heart syndrome atrial is such a disease, which occurs due to poor eating habits during the holidays. This disease is related to the heart. Actually, during this time the number of heart patients often increases. This happens because during the holidays, people start eating unhealthy things and keep away from the activities and diet that keep themselves healthy. Consume more alcohol and start eating more junk food and fast food during various parties or events. Due to all these reasons our heart gets sick. This problem…

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