zamzam well story what does science say about Zamzam water it is considered the most sacred water in Islam

When it comes to holy water among Hindus, the first place is of Ganga water. Similarly, among Muslims, Zamzam water is considered the most sacred. This water is so sacred that people who go on Hajj definitely drink it. The most special thing about Zamzam water is that its source is in an area where water is found naturally with great difficulty. However, despite this, water has been continuously flowing out of Zamzam water for centuries. Let us tell you about it in detail. where is zamzam water Zam Zam…

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Ram Mandir Pran Pratistha Ceremony PoK Muslim Sends Sharda Peeth Kund Holy Water To Ayodhya Via Britain

Sharda Peeth PoK Holy Water: A Muslim man from Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) has collected holy water from Sharda Peeth Kund and sent it for the Ramlala Pran Pratistha ceremony going to be held on Monday (January 22) at the Ram temple in Ayodhya. This holy water has been sent to India via Britain through a series of carriers. According to news agency PTI, Ravinder Pandit, founder of Save Sharda Committee Kashmir (SSCK), said that postal services between India and Pakistan were suspended after the 2019 Pulwama terrorist attack and…

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