Make delicious chickpea ridge gourd vegetable in this way, everyone will like it, know the recipe

Make delicious chickpea ridge gourd vegetable in this way, everyone will like it, know the recipe

Vegetables like chickpeas and torai: Ridge gourd is such a vegetable that not only children but even adults start making bad faces at it. But let us tell you, Ridge gourd is full of many such healthy properties, by consuming which you get many great benefits. Its special thing is that it is very light to eat, due to which it is digested very quickly and easily. In such a situation, today we have brought for you the recipe of making Chana Ridge gourd vegetable with a new twist. This…

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delhi-famous-Children-healthy food-from mom’s-kitchen-right – News18 Hindi

delhi-famous-Children-healthy food-from mom’s-kitchen-right – News18 Hindi

Riya Pandey/Delhi:- Most of the people come from outside and live in the capital Delhi. Many of these people come to work and many come to study. At the same time, the children studying face problems of food and drink due to living away from their homes. If you are also looking for healthy home-cooked food, then today we are going to tell you about a woman who runs her own Mom’s Kitchen, where she feeds people home-style food. Pratibha Sharma, a resident of Delhi, while talking to the Local…

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