health tips home remedies for throat infection and cold during seasonal changes honey benefits

health tips home remedies for throat infection and cold during seasonal changes honey benefits

Home Remedies: As soon as October comes, the weather starts changing. A little cold is also being felt. A little hot during the day but cold at night. In such a situation, small problems like throat infection and cold can cause trouble. However, some home remedies can be taken to avoid these. Honey can prove to be a panacea to avoid cold or sore throat infection. Eating some things mixed with honey can help in getting rid of such problems. The immunity of the body also increases and many diseases…

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Winter Health Tips What Should Avoid In Cold Cough In Hindi

Winter Health Tips What Should Avoid In Cold Cough In Hindi

Cold-Cough: As the winter season is going on, the problem of cold and cough is increasing. Infectious diseases increase rapidly these days. In such a situation, if cold and cough are not cured in time, the problems may increase. There are many things whose consumption increases the problem of cold and cough. Therefore, in case of cold and cough (Cold-Cough Home Remedies), one should avoid eating these things. Know what should not be eaten during cold and cough… Avoid sour things It is very important to have strong immunity in…

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