Today’s rashifal horoscope today Ashadha gupt navratri 2024 july 6 daily astrological prediction aries all zodiac sign

Today’s rashifal horoscope today Ashadha gupt navratri 2024 july 6 daily astrological prediction aries all zodiac sign

Horoscope Today: According to the Panchang, today is the Pratipada date of Ashadha Shukla on Saturday, 06 July 2024. Gupt Navratri (Ashadha Gupt Navratri 2024) is starting from today itself. Today there will be Punarvasu and Pushya Nakshatra. At the same time, there will also be Vyaghat and Harshan Yoga on this day. Today Rahu Kaal is from 09:11 am to 10:51 am. Moon will be in Gemini sign. According to the position of planets and constellations, the day will be full of hope for Cancer people. Today has brought…

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