VIDEO: The heat made everyone sweat, the whole neighborhood was seen sleeping on the roof! Everyone’s eyes were on the one in orange pants

A few years ago, when not everyone had an AC and power cuts were common in summers, people used to sleep on the roofs of their houses to get relief from the heat. The whole family used to do this. People who lived in a crowded locality, where everyone’s roofs were connected, there used to be a gathering at night, because the whole locality used to come to sleep on the roof. A video reminding of that era is going viral these days. In this video, dozens of people are…

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Excavation was being done to build an airport, a 4000 year old secret was found under the ground, people were shocked to see it!

Preparations were being made to build an airport on an island in Greece. The land was being excavated to build the base, soil was being removed. Suddenly people saw a strange structure under the ground. When that structure was examined, everyone was stunned. That is because this is a 4000 year old structure that can solve many puzzles related to the ancient civilization, but the surprising thing is that scientists do not know what this structure was used for. Because of this, the mystery of this 4000 year old (4000…

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The world’s most expensive biscuit, you can buy a car for just 1 piece! Why is the price so high?

If you go to the market to buy biscuits, you will get a good biscuit packet for 5-10 rupees which will have at least 8-10 pieces of biscuits. But there is a piece of biscuit in the world which is only 1, but its price is so high that you can buy a car with that amount. This is the world’s most expensive biscuit. But the question arises that why is it so expensive? According to a 2015 report by BBC, a biscuit was auctioned in October 2015, which was…

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Made 35 girlfriends at once, told each one different birthdays, the man extorted thousands of rupees in the name of gifts!

Such thoughts come to the mind of a cheater that perhaps those thoughts cannot come to the mind of any common man. A cheater always finds ways to make money. A few years ago, there was a similar cheat in Japan, whose idea of ​​cheating still surprises people. He cheated 35 girls at once (Man date 35 girls to get birthday gifts). First, he made them his girlfriends, then told them different dates of his birthday. After that, he cheated the girls of thousands of rupees as birthday gifts! This…

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Boyfriend had promised to drop him at the airport but did not reach home on time, girlfriend filed a case against him!

What do you know about the value of a promise Ramesh Babu! Relationships run on the basis of promises. Be it a boyfriend or a husband, he should fulfil the promises made to his partner and be it a girlfriend or a wife, she should fulfil the promises made to her partner… this is how the train of relationships runs on its track. But many times the train goes off the track and accidents happen. A similar incident happened with a couple in New Zealand, when a girlfriend filed a…

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The scariest hospital, where the police is afraid to go, but when this person gathered courage, he found a horrifying thing!

There are many people who like to visit old, ruined places and find out about their history. But there are many places where not everyone can dare to go. Recently, a video of a man is going viral, who is an urban explorer. He goes to ruined buildings and reveals the secrets of the place. In this video, he went to a very scary hospital (Man get inside creepy hospital), where people claim that there are ghosts. Even the police is afraid to go to this hospital, who have weapons…

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Who is the owner of the tallest building Burj Khalifa? Which company built it? You probably don’t know!

When Dubai is mentioned, the first name that comes to people’s mind is Burj Khalifa. People are astonished to see the height of this skyscraper. It was also very difficult to build it because Dubai is situated on sand and the building could collapse if built on sand, due to this reason this building is also considered unique from the engineering point of view. If you have not seen this building from the front, then you must have seen it on TV or social media. But do you know the…

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Excavation was going on in a building that was thousands of years old, when suddenly a clay pot was seen, everyone was stunned when the lid was opened!

You must have heard from people that the older the wine gets, the better it is. But have you ever heard of 2000 year old wine? You will think how is it possible to have such old wine? But scientists have made the impossible possible, because they have found the world’s oldest wine. This wine was found in a building, which was actually a tomb, whose excavation was going on. Suddenly a clay pot was seen during the excavation. As soon as its lid was opened, 2 thousand year old…

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Don’t plant these 12 plants in your house even by mistake, if you see them even by mistake, the police can arrest you immediately!

People are very fond of gardening. Because of this, they decorate their gardens and if they live in a flat, then they make a small garden in the balcony of the house. But do you know that there are some plants which are illegal to plant. If these are seen planted, the police can come to your house. Recently, the same thing happened with a person from Britain, who had planted many plants of a similar species in the garden. It was a marijuana plant. However, you will be surprised…

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A strange thing was seen shining in the desert, the police were stunned after seeing it, said- I have seen many strange things but not like this!

In the year 2020, when the world was battling the pandemic, shining metal pillars started appearing in different parts of the world. These pillars are called monoliths. In ancient times, these used to be pillars made of a single stone. But 4 years ago, when these metal monoliths started appearing at different places, people were surprised. Many people associated it with aliens. They said that this could be a door to enter and exit the alien world. One such mysterious monolith has recently been seen in the Nevada desert of…

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