Clouds weigh thousands of kilograms, then why don’t they fall?

Clouds weigh thousands of kilograms, then why don’t they fall?

When you look towards the sky, you see a crowd of clouds floating. You would think that these clouds would be as light as cotton, that is why they do not fall down from the sky. However, it is not so. These clouds weigh thousands of kilos. This is because they are filled with water. In such a situation, the question becomes reasonable that how do such heavy clouds filled with water keep floating in the sky. What is the thing that keeps them from falling to the earth? How…

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Why do rain clouds appear black, what is the reason behind this?

Why do rain clouds appear black, what is the reason behind this?

When you look at the sky, the clouds that you see everyday are white, but as soon as it is the rainy season and there are clouds in the sky at that time, their color turns black. Now the question arises that what is the reason behind this. Why is it that clouds without rain appear white and clouds with rain appear black? So let’s try to give you this advice through science today. Why are rain clouds black? There is a science behind the rain clouds turning black. .…

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