health tips personal care products containing microplastics research

health tips personal care products containing microplastics research

Side Effects of Microplastics : Do you know that many personal products like face scrubs, shower gels and body scrubs that you use every day contain microplastics. This has been revealed in a research by the Department of Environmental Science, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). Let us tell you that microplastics are not only dangerous for the environment but also for our health. It can damage the brain by killing brain cells. This can cause serious problems like allergy, thyroid, cancer. Microplastics can also affect the endocrine system,…

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How dangerous is micro plastic? Know what are the chances of getting cancer from it

How dangerous is micro plastic? Know what are the chances of getting cancer from it

Micro plastics are extremely small plastic particles that get mixed in the air, water, and food items around us. These particles are so small that we cannot even see them, but they can easily reach our body. Now the question is, are these particles dangerous for us and do they pose a risk of cancer? Dangers of micro plasticMicro plastic is being found almost everywhere these days. It can be present in our food items, such as salt, sugar, water, and even in the air. When we consume these things,…

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