Diamond was made from this special flower… Know how Chinese scientists did this miracle

Diamond was made from this special flower… Know how Chinese scientists did this miracle

There was a time when diamonds used to come from inside the earth. But now it is being prepared in the lab also. However, preparing diamonds in the lab is not so easy. This requires a lot of energy. This is the reason why even today most diamonds are extracted from underground mines. But Chinese scientists have done wonders by making a diamond from a flower. Let us tell you what is the whole story. How Chinese scientists did this Chinese scientists discovered a special red color plant named Peony.…

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Can diamond be made from charcoal also? Know the complete process of diamond making here

Can diamond be made from charcoal also?  Know the complete process of diamond making here

Since childhood we have been hearing that diamonds are found from coal mines. But are diamonds really made from coal? Actually, coal is black and the color of diamond is completely transparent white. In such a situation, the question that naturally comes to mind is what happens to coal that it turns into diamond. Apart from this, a question also comes to mind that if diamond is made from coal then can it be made from any kind of coal. Let us tell you about it. How is diamond made…

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