health tips high cholesterol reduce best remedies in hindi

High Cholesterol : If your cholesterol is also high then do not take it lightly, because it can badly affect the health of the heart. There are two types of cholesterol in the body, bad and good. Good cholesterol is good for staying healthy but bad cholesterol brings many problems with it. It increases the risk of heart related diseases. If your bad cholesterol level is also increasing then you can control it with 5 easy measures. Let’s know… 1. Drink warm waterWhen bad cholesterol level increases, one should drink…

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Increasing cholesterol in the body is risky, it causes harm from heart to brain, know the dangers.

High Cholesterol: High cholesterol is considered dangerous for health. It can have many serious side effects. Cholesterol is a substance like wax. The body needs it to perform many functions. As long as its level remains correct, there is no problem, but when the amount of cholesterol in the body starts increasing, problems start. It accumulates in the blood vessels. The risk of chest pain and coronary artery disease increases. However, high cholesterol can harm the body in many ways, not just for the heart. There is also a risk…

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