Panic Attack vs Heart Attack : These days the problems related to heart are increasing rapidly. There is a danger of heart attack in people of all ages. The worst lifestyle and food are the biggest responsible for this. Doctors say that if the heart attack symptoms are understood, then its danger can be avoided to a great extent. Actually, chest pens, shortness of breathing or nervousness are quite common. It is not only a heart attack every time, sometimes similar problems are seen in panic attach. In such a…
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Health Tips Myths and Facts about Heart Attack in Hindi
Heart Attack Myths : The most deaths worldwide are caused by heart diseases, according to the World Heart Federation, 1 out of every 3 deaths worldwide are suffering from heart disease. 80% of its cases are coming up in countries with middle income groups. The heart purifies the unclean blood from the whole body and delivers it to the rest of the body parts. Blood reaches the arteries in the heart and then the blood reaches the rest of the body from the vehicles. Therefore, it is important to be…
Read MoreSilent heart attack is a heart attack that does not cause pain or other obvious symptoms
Every year millions of people are admitted for treatment in the emergency ward due to complaint of chest pain. If you are also feeling any kind of problem, then you may be suffering a heart attack. But chest pain can also occur due to other reasons. Heart attack has become common nowadays. If you see signs of heart attack around you or in the house, do not take help in taking help. In some heart attack, pain is intensified, while some heart attacks make their prey in a very silent…
Read Morehealth tips men vs women heart attack warning signs and prevention
Men vs Women Heart Attack : Heart disease is the biggest cause of death for men and women worldwide. Many researches show that warning signs of heart attack are ignored more in women than in men. Its symptoms are much milder in women than in men, hence they are not able to understand it properly and treatment may be delayed. According to experts, the common symptom of heart disease in men and women is pain or discomfort in the chest, but these symptoms are also seen differently in many women.…
Read Moreultraprocessed foods linked to heart disease diabetes mental disorders and early death
Heart disease is spreading rapidly. The reason behind this is said to be processed and junk food. Heart disease is increasing rapidly among people after eating outside food. According to the report of ‘Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation’, in the year 2023, half i.e. 50 percent of the food budget will be spent on outside food. Revealed in American study People who eat too much outside food are often at risk of increasing cholesterol. Processed food from outside, which is a big enemy of health. Eating processed food is…
Read MoreGym Workout Tips to avoid Heart Attack Gym Tips Gym Supplement
Gym Workout Tips: Going to the gym, looking hit and fit has become the fashion of this new era. The crowd of youth in the gym from morning till evening is an example of this. In the pursuit of body building, it has been seen many times that people spoil their health by using wrong techniques or by taking useless supplements. Whose effect is directly visible on his heart. You must have seen many such videos, where while doing gym, a person suddenly got a heart attack and even lost…
Read MoreWinter season can give double attack, heart patients should take care of heart like this
Health TipsAlthough the winter season is about to end, the cold has forced everyone to shiver. In many areas of North India, it is extremely cold even in late January. The effect of which is visible on people’s health. The effect of this season is more visible on people suffering from chronic diseases. This season is no less than a danger for heart patients. They may have to go through many complications in this season. In winter, the risk of double attack of heart attack and stroke also increases manifold.…
Read MoreWhy Are People Under 35 Years Of Age Getting Heart Attack How To Prevent It
Risk Of Heart Attack: Heart attack was earlier considered a disease of the elderly. But now youths of 30 to 40 years of age are also coming in its grip. One out of every five patients is below 40 years of age. A few years ago, a 40-year-old patient having a heart attack was considered very rare, but now it is not surprising because its number is increasing day by day. Everyday this news comes that someone got heart attack during gym and someone got hit while running. What is…
Read MoreHow To Control Diabetes And High Blood Sugar With Healthy Diet And Ayurveda
Control Diabetes: Diabetes has become such a disease, due to which the number of troubled people is increasing continuously. Along with adults and youth, now children are also falling prey to it. In both diabetes type-1 and diabetes type-2 problems, such a situation occurs after a time, when the effect of sugar disease damages other parts of the body very badly. Both heart and kidney are such organs, which start deteriorating due to prolonged illness of sugar. Diabetes affects the body like this According to medical science, people who…
Read MoreHow To Reduce Heart Attack Threat During Winter Season With Diet And Ayurvedic Tips
Heart Attack Prevention Foods: In the winter season, the cases of heart attack increase significantly as compared to other seasons. The reason for this is the decreased temperature. Because the body’s temperature does not fall due to cold, the heart pumps faster, due to which the flow of blood inside the body increases. But due to cold, the arteries shrink, due to which the blood does not flow as fast as it is needed. That is, while maintaining that flow in the whole body, it does not reach as fast…
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