What Should Eat To Avoid Hypertension Best Foods To Reduce Hypertension Issues According To Ayurveda

What Should Eat To Avoid Hypertension Best Foods To Reduce Hypertension Issues According To Ayurveda

Hypertension Prevention Tips: Hypertension is a condition in which the flow of blood inside the veins is not only increased, but also this blood is exerting too much pressure on the inner wall of these arteries. You can understand it in this way that water is flowing inside a pipe, but the flow is so much that it seems that the pipe will burst at any moment… When this condition occurs inside the body with blood flow, then this condition is called heart attack. Attack becomes the cause of heart…

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Cardiac Arrest-Heart Attack In The Year 2022 More Deaths Due

Cardiac Arrest-Heart Attack In The Year 2022 More Deaths Due

Heart Attack: December is underway. After a few days, we will enter the new year in January 2023. In terms of health, Kovid has not been so effective this year. The knock of many new viruses definitely forced people to fear. That’s where the biggest danger emerged. He had cardiac arrest and heart attack. Many famous celebrities of the country died due to heart and cardiac arrest. The doctors themselves were also surprised by the heart stopping working in this way. People who are so focused on diet and other…

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What Are The Types Of Heart Attack What Happens In Body When Heart Attack Occur

What Are The Types Of Heart Attack What Happens In Body When Heart Attack Occur

Cause Of Heart Attack: Most of the people know about heart attack that if there is no supply of blood to the heart due to any kind of obstruction in the blood flow, then heart attack occurs. This is the easiest way to define heart attack, which even a common man can understand. But it is not so easy for doctors. Doctors have to pay attention to many nuances while giving treatment to a heart patient. These include paying attention to the type of heart attack (Types of Heart Attack).…

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