The benefits of eating garlic in summer from controlling weight to diabetes and blood pressure

The benefits of eating garlic in summer from controlling weight to diabetes and blood pressure

Garlic is one such ingredient that is found in the kitchen of almost every house. It is not only tasty but also a treasure for health. So let’s know the benefits of eating garlic in summer. Garlic contains nutrients that can boost your immunity. It is rich in vitamin C and B6, manganese and selenium, which protects health from many diseases. Regular consumption of garlic reduces the risk of colds and flu to a great extent. A study conducted on 146 participants published in the US National Library of Medicine…

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How To Boost Immunity Know About Four Milk Based Drinks

How To Boost Immunity Know About Four Milk Based Drinks

Immunity Boost Drinks: Many people lost their lives during the Corona epidemic. Most of the deaths occurred in those people whose immunity was less or weaker than the rest of the people. To avoid different problems occurring in the body, it is very important to have a strong immunity. Because they play a big role in keeping the body healthy. As winters are going on and the weather has also started changing. It is very important for the immune system to remain strong amid the changing weather. Because the body…

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How To Stay Safe From New Variant Of Corona Bf.7 With Home Remedies

How To Stay Safe From New Variant Of Corona Bf.7 With Home Remedies

Corona Prevention Tips: Corona has started increasing once again. The biggest problem is that there are problems like cough-cold-fever in the winter season, in such a situation people are also ignoring Kovid. Also, during cold and cough, the Kovid virus gets an environment to increase its number rapidly inside your body. Let us remind you once again that after entering the body, the corona virus starts making copies of itself to increase its number rapidly. And first of all attacks the immunity of the body. In such a situation, if…

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