The sound of ‘hiss-hiss’ started coming from the sofa, immediately called the snake charmer, Nagraj was found in such a place, the heart would tremble after seeing it!

The sound of ‘hiss-hiss’ started coming from the sofa, immediately called the snake charmer, Nagraj was found in such a place, the heart would tremble after seeing it!

There are many dangerous snakes around the world, which can kill someone in a moment with their venom. If treatment is not received at the right time, it is not only difficult but impossible for someone to survive. Perhaps this is the reason why every year millions of people around the world die from snake bites. Although, these snakes usually do not harm humans, but sometimes they bite unknowingly, which poses a threat to life. But today we are going to show you such a video of a snake, after…

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Snake experts had to sweat while rescuing a 5 feet long snake, medical students saved their lives like this, watch the video

Snake experts had to sweat while rescuing a 5 feet long snake, medical students saved their lives like this, watch the video

Jabalpur. There was chaos in Jabalpur’s medical college when the snake expert himself fell down while rescuing a 5 feet long snake. So the snake started running after the students. The students also ran and closed the classroom door. But the snake expert caught the 5 feet long snake while falling. The video of which has also surfaced, you will also be surprised to see this video. Actually, yesterday morning, a 5 feet long snake was crawling fast in the verandah of the store room of the Anatomy department of…

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