If these eating habits are not improved, then the weight will go on increasing, health will also be affected

If these eating habits are not improved, then the weight will go on increasing, health will also be affected

As we all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Since your body is most active in the morning, it is important to have a heavy and healthy breakfast. Because breakfast only gives you enough energy to stay active throughout the day. Breakfast should be heavy, while lunch should be light. While talking about dinner, it should be kept very light. Because after having dinner the body has to rest.

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What Are The Main Cause Of Getting Fat Without Eating Oily Food And High Sweets In Hindi | For Morning

What Are The Main Cause Of Getting Fat Without Eating Oily Food And High Sweets In Hindi |  For Morning

Cause of getting fat: There are many reasons for obesity and two of the main reasons are eating fatty and oily food and not exercising. But apart from these two, there is another main reason, which increases obesity rapidly, but most people are not aware of it and this is the reason for waking up late at night. Now this question will come in your mind that how can obesity increase by staying up late at night, then you should know the reason here… Does obesity increase even without eating…

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