health tips fatty liver disease in india causes symptoms and prevention

health tips fatty liver disease in india causes symptoms and prevention

Fatty Liver in India : Fatty liver is a very dangerous disease. Many dangerous diseases can occur due to this. This disease is spreading rapidly in India. Every third Indian has fatty liver disease. Union Minister of State Dr. Jitendra Singh said this in a recent conference. Experts say that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a common metabolic liver disorder, which can later progress to cirrhosis and primary liver cancer. In most people, fatty liver problems are seen before diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and many other diseases. What…

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Can Changes In Your Walking Style Could Be A Sign Of Fatty Liver Disease: Know From Expert

Can Changes In Your Walking Style Could Be A Sign Of Fatty Liver Disease: Know From Expert

Fatty liver is also called ‘hepatic steatosis’ (when there is inflammation in the liver). In fatty liver, a lot of fat accumulates in the liver due to which there is difficulty in walking and sitting. This is a common problem which is now being seen in the younger generation as well. It is estimated that 25-30 percent of the entire population is affected by this disease. If it is not detected at the right time, then you will not even know when this disease will take its serious form. There…

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