A seed the size of cumin seeds can turn into a 2.5 kg fish, how does this miracle happen, read this news

A seed the size of cumin seeds can turn into a 2.5 kg fish, how does this miracle happen, read this news

Madhubani. There are fish lovers everywhere. Be it rearing or eating. The trend of fish farming is increasing in the whole country. It is successful as a business. It is also considered auspicious in Vaastu. People also keep aquariums in their homes. Due to the subsidy provided by the government, the number of fish traders has increased tremendously. Although fish seeds are sold in three sizes in the market, Jeera, Finger and Big. But the most sold is Jeera size. It seems strange to think how a seed of the…

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If you want to rear fish then there is no need to wander here and there, you will get 30 quintals of sperm in this hatchery, note down the address and phone number.

If you want to rear fish then there is no need to wander here and there, you will get 30 quintals of sperm in this hatchery, note down the address and phone number.

Samastipur.Farmers rapidly and extensively in Samastipur district fish Are following. Due to lack of adequate knowledge of this business, they often bring fish seeds from Samastipur or other states. But now this problem is going to go away. Farmers will not have to go to other districts to buy baby fish. More fish are being prepared in a hatchery in Basahi village of Samastipur district. Now fish farming can be done easily in Samastipur also. We are telling you its address. If you are in Samastipur and going out to…

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