This woman earned 58 lakhs in 6 months without a job! You can do this work, you can earn a lot of money!

The number of unemployed people in India is very high. It is not necessary that you get a job despite having several degrees. In such a situation, people keep looking for some or the other way to earn money. Some open a shop, some become an insurance agent. But the earnings are so low that these people are not able to fulfill their dreams. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about an American woman, who is earning lakhs of rupees every month just by roaming…

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small cardamom cultivation which is sold for Rs 2400 per kg

Both these farmers want to earn more profit in less cost. But due to lack of information, most of the farmers remain confused. If you also want to earn more profit in less cost, then this news is for you. Today we will tell you about such farming, by doing which you can earn profit of lakhs. Cultivation of Cardamom We are talking about cardamom. Cardamom is one such thing which can be easily found in the kitchen of every house. Cardamom is used in many things, it is also…

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Left a job worth lakhs, got kids’ names struck off from school, now the family is roaming the world, earning 16 lakhs a month!

If you are asked what is the reason for studying? Why do people get a professional or a good degree? Surely, most people’s answer would be to get a better job and career growth. But this does not happen for everyone. Today we are going to tell you about a family who left a job worth lakhs so that they could travel the world. Actually, this couple, who was fed up of asking permission to go on holidays, decided to leave their corporate job and set out to travel the…

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best online mobile games to earn money in India paise kmane wala khel

Money earning games: Nowadays, many such platforms have been created all over the world including India, through which gamers get a chance to earn money. Many gamers of India also earn money sitting at home by playing mobile games. In today’s digital age, mobile gaming is not only a means of entertainment for gamers, but it has also become a reliable source of earning money. A large number of young population in India uses smartphones, millions of mobile gamers want to earn money along with entertainment by playing games on…

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Just one week’s training, earning 66 lakhs every year, no degree required, this person does an amazing job

Gone are the times when you needed to study for a long time to get a paying job. Now people have started doing such things with just some training and are earning big money. You will feel the same after knowing about this person from Australia! This person has taken training for only one week and is earning Rs 66 lakh every year. It claims that any person with a heart can do this job and earn big money. According to the report of New York Post, job app Gethead…

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The woman changed only 4 habits and saved Rs 6 lakh in a year, said – you also try it

In this era of inflation, everyone wants to save money, but expenses do not seem to be reducing. In such a situation, a British woman has shared some hacks, which are very useful. He claims that he made minor changes in his lifestyle and gave up only 4 habits. Today she is saving Rs 6 lakh every year. He claims that it is very useful and anyone can try it. According to the New York Post, 25-year-old Chrissy Milan, a resident of London, recently shared a video on TikTok and…

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Salary of Rs 1 crore and 6 months leave, no degree and no education, yet the girl’s earnings are amazing!

Often we think that if we get a job which gives us money as well as holidays and freedom to travel, then life will be considered completely set. Although it is said in everyone’s fate. Well, the girl about whom we will tell you today, her job is something like this. The girl says that no one else’s life will be as wonderful as hers. According to this girl named Ashlya, who lives in Australia, she works only for 6 months and from this work she easily earns $120,000 i.e.…

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The millionaire told the trick to become rich, also told where middle class people make mistakes!

Who doesn’t want to become rich in life? For this, they are ready to work hard day and night and spend most of their time thinking about where and how to earn money. Despite this, the entire life of middle class people gets consumed and they are not able to enjoy the wealth as they imagine. Now the question arises that where do they make mistakes? A millionaire person has told about this. This person from America is himself a millionaire (How to become rich) and he has told people…

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By giving a luxurious house on rent, the person himself started living in the garage, if you know the reason, you will also leave your house!

In today’s time earning money is not difficult, it is difficult to think of ways to earn money and then implement them. You will have the best of ideas, but if you do not implement them then they are of no use. Sometimes a person earns a lot even from a strange idea. An American man also thought of such a strange way to earn money (Weird way to earn money) that your mind will also be confused after hearing about it. The man put his luxurious house on rent…

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