4-5 hours in summer and when and for how long to freeze curd in winter? Sadhguru told the easy way to prepare curd, it will taste very sweet.

4-5 hours in summer and when and for how long to freeze curd in winter? Sadhguru told the easy way to prepare curd, it will taste very sweet.

The correct method of the olden times: Be it winter or summer, people definitely consume curd. Curd contains rich amount of calcium, which is very beneficial for bones. Eating curd strengthens bones and teeth. Not only this, applying curd on face and hair removes many skin and hair related problems. Some people buy curd from the market and eat it, while many people like to prepare it at home. Many times people avoid eating outside due to the fact that it is genuine or fake. Yogurt is a fermented, probiotic…

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I have stored too much curd at home, it should not spoil if it is lying around, use it in 10 ways, skin and hair will also remain healthy.

I have stored too much curd at home, it should not spoil if it is lying around, use it in 10 ways, skin and hair will also remain healthy.

Ways to use leftover curd: Consuming curd is important for health because its consumption strengthens the bones. There is no deficiency of calcium in the body. Some people like to eat curd daily. It is best to eat curd in the morning and during the day. Some people buy curd from the market, while many people like to prepare curd at home. If curd or other things made from it like raita, buttermilk are included in the food, then the taste of the food doubles. Many times, due to storing…

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Everyone Eats Curd In Summer But Do Not Make These Mistakes While Eating Curd

Everyone Eats Curd In Summer But Do Not Make These Mistakes While Eating Curd

Curd Side Effects: Most people eat curd in the summer season. Be it with food or by making raita, people relish it a lot. But sometimes eating curd even in summer can harm you. Yes, you must know the right way to eat curd, otherwise you may fall ill. Eating curd with meals is a common practice in almost every Indian household, but what if we tell you that experts warn about some common mistakes that should be avoided if consuming curd is a part of your daily routine. Here…

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