As soon as you sit in the toilet in the morning, your stomach will be completely clean within minutes, just mix this 1 nutritious thing while kneading the dough, the intestines will remain healthy.

As soon as you sit in the toilet in the morning, your stomach will be completely clean within minutes, just mix this 1 nutritious thing while kneading the dough, the intestines will remain healthy.

How to mix flaxseed powder in dough: You must be eating bread every day. Wheat flour bread is most eaten. Some people eat multi-grain flour bread in winter. Some like to eat roti made of millet and maize. Consuming rotis made from these grains not only provides warmth to the body in winter, but also keeps you healthy by providing many types of nutrients. Many people suffer from constipation for several days continuously. Many people are troubled by stomach ache, bloating, indigestion, bloating etc. You should know one thing that…

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Flour will become nectar, mix this powder prepared from 5 medicinal things, if you eat this nutritious roti, your stomach will be clean, weight and sugar will be under control.

Flour will become nectar, mix this powder prepared from 5 medicinal things, if you eat this nutritious roti, your stomach will be clean, weight and sugar will be under control.

Healthy atta roti: Nowadays people suffer from physical problems at a young age, which occur in old age or due to genetics. This includes bone problems, diabetes, heart disease etc. Apart from this, due to unhealthy eating habits, the digestive system also remains bad. If your lifestyle, eating habits and physical activity remain correct then you can live a healthy lifestyle for a long time. Many people do not digest food quickly. The stomach remains bloated for hours after eating. To prevent indigestion, indigestion, bloating, gas, sour belching, diabetes, heart…

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Mix these 5 things while kneading the dough, the problem of constipation will go away from its roots, the dirt rotting in the intestines will be cleaned from every corner.

Mix these 5 things while kneading the dough, the problem of constipation will go away from its roots, the dirt rotting in the intestines will be cleaned from every corner.

Which flour roti to eat to improve digestion: Roti is eaten daily in every house. Some people make roti from wheat flour while some people like to eat roti by mixing several grains. Roti made from multiple grain flour has its own taste and has tremendous benefits. They are rich in fiber, due to which the digestive system remains healthy. Those who eat simple wheat flour roti can make it even more nutritious if they wish. For this, before kneading the dough, you will have to mix some things in…

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Best Fruits for Constipation, According to a Dietitian read full article in Hindi

Best Fruits for Constipation, According to a Dietitian read full article in Hindi

Constipation means that your stomach is not getting cleaned properly. There can be many reasons for constipation. Constipation can occur due to wrong eating habits, lack of sleep, less physical activity, bad medical condition. Some people use home remedies to get relief from constipation and this is also good. For example, if you are suffering from constipation, then to prevent it, you are advised to eat plenty of fiber in your food. Because eating fiber keeps the stomach clean. It is also advisable to eat dietary fiber. plum Plums contain…

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To get relief from constipation and indigestion, drink any one of these 5 things mixed with milk.

To get relief from constipation and indigestion, drink any one of these 5 things mixed with milk.

Constipation: Nowadays the trend of eating out is going on rapidly. People are liking junk foods very much. Stomach related problems are increasing due to continuously eating outside food. One of these problems is constipation. Due to which digestion gets disturbed and the stomach does not get cleaned. There are many powders and medicines in the market to get relief from constipation but many of them are not very effective. In such a situation, today we are telling you a panacea home remedy to get rid of constipation… 5 home…

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Figs For Constipation Eat Anjeer To Get Rid Of Constipation Problem

Figs For Constipation Eat Anjeer To Get Rid Of Constipation Problem

Figs For Constipation: Constipation is also a serious disease, which, if not treated on time, can lead to many physical problems, including piles. Constipation is such a problem, in which your stomach is not cleaned properly or say that you get stool once in 2-3 days. These days a large number of people are struggling with the problem of constipation due to poor diet and lifestyle. But if you treat this problem early, then you can get relief from the problem of constipation. To get rid of constipation, the first…

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Constipation Tips How To Get Rid Of Constipation In Kids

Constipation Tips How To Get Rid Of Constipation In Kids

Constipation In Kids: Constipation is such a problem which is seen sometime or the other in everyone from children to old people. This problem is mostly faced by children. Because they often run away from nutritious diet and consume more of outside things. In the problem of constipation, the stomach is not cleaned properly and hard and dry stool comes, due to which pain and cramps are experienced. This problem gives a lot of trouble to children and they have a lot of difficulty in defecating. There can be some…

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