WhatsApp Secret Code: WhatsApp is known for its privacy. The messages sent on this are encrypted, which means that no one except the sender and receiver can read them. To further strengthen the privacy of users, the company had brought a secret code feature. In this, there is a facility to lock a chat and put a secret code on it. Once this code is applied, no one except the user himself will be able to open that chat, no matter how much effort. What is the secret code feature?…
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WhatsApp Now Hide Your Chats Without Archiving Them Know The Trick Hiding Messages On Whatsapp
Whether to have a personal conversation with someone, to tell something to an employee or to give a circular to the public about a new scheme, today all these works are being done through the instant messaging app WhatsApp. More than 2 billion people use WhatsApp worldwide. From time to time Meta also brings many updates to improve the user experience on this platform. Today, through this article, know how you can hide your chats on WhatsApp. That is, how can you prevent others from seeing your chats or put…
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