what is silk eye surgery how it increases eye power know benefits and procedure

what is silk eye surgery how it increases eye power know benefits and procedure

When we talk about the most important part of the body, the eyes are definitely mentioned, because their lack brings darkness in life. Nowadays, the lifestyle has become so busy that most of the time is spent on smartphones, TV and laptops and this affects the eyes the most. This weakens the eyesight. In such a situation, we are telling you about such a surgery in which neither any incision will be made nor any stitches will be applied. Your eyesight will improve with just five minutes of surgery. Silk…

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If children are wearing glasses at an early age, then these home remedies can help them in getting relief.

If children are wearing glasses at an early age, then these home remedies can help them in getting relief.

Nowadays children keep working on mobile and screen all day long. Some children keep using their phones till night, while there are some who stay awake all night to study. But do you know that doing so has dangerous effects on the eyes. In such a situation, the eyes of children are affected and they start wearing numbered glasses at an early age. Children start getting marks due to continuous wearing of glasses and it also becomes their habit. To get rid of all this, we will tell you some…

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save your eyesight by leaving these habits otherwise you may have to wear glasses

save your eyesight by leaving these habits otherwise you may have to wear glasses

It is very important to take care of eye safety, if vision stops or reduces then we may have to face a lot of problems. There are many people who wear glasses at an early age and also take medicines for eyesight. But taking excessive medicines is harmful and the marks near the eyes caused by glasses can harm our body. Be sure to keep these things in mind Get your eyes checked every 2 years. Smoking is very dangerous for the eyes, so avoid it. Sleep is important to…

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Eyes Also Need Special Care In Summer Include These Foods In Your Diet From Today Itself

Eyes Also Need Special Care In Summer Include These Foods In Your Diet From Today Itself

Eye Care Tips: To live a healthy life, it is necessary to have better eye health. However, many people spend time with the screen for a long time, which leads to many vision related problems. A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good eye health. Including a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet can help provide your body with the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants it needs for healthy vision. Green vegetables like broccoli, bananas, spinach and lettuce are rich in lutein/zeaxanthin and antioxidants that protect the eyes from…

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